Passport Renewal Steps in Kuwait | How to renew Indian Passport

Passport Renewal Steps in Kuwait

The following is a guide for Indians living in Kuwait. There is a 10-year validity period for Indian passports, after which they need to be renewed before they expire.

This passport service is available only to Indian residents of Kuwait.

Applicants for Indian passports and visas apply through the BLS International Centre, an agency that outsources its services. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to renew your passport if it’s about to expire.

Online renewal of an Indian passport in Kuwait

1. Go to this link: and select the region/country as ‘Africa and Middle East’ and then select ‘Kuwait’.

2. Then click on the ‘Register – Register to apply for passport services’ link. Upon clicking the category, you will be asked to create an online account with Passport Seva Portal. Log in using your account information if you already have one.

Creating a new account

If you would like to register an account, you must provide the following information:


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1. Embassy/Consulate: Kuwait-Kuwait City

2. Given Name (first name)

3. Surname

4. Date of birth

5. Email address

As soon as you have entered your details, you can create a password and confirm it. You can also choose a question that serves as a ‘hint’ for security purposes, such as your city of birth. Click on the ‘Register’ button after entering the captcha code.

A confirmation email will be sent to you from Passport Seva with an activation link. You will need to enter your email address and password once you click on the activation link.

3. Sign in again and click on ‘Register – Register to apply for passport services’.

4. After that click on ‘application for applying for ordinary passport’.

5. After that, you will need to choose from the following options:

Passport type: Fresh passport or passport reissue. Select ‘passport reissue’ if you are renewing your passport.

‘Reissue reason’ – e.g., “validity expired within three years or is about to expire”

Type of application: Normal or Tatkal (In case there is urgency).

Passport booklet type: 36 or 60 pages

6. The next step is to fill out the applicant details as follows:

Your Given name (First name)
Your Surname
Have you ever been known by other names (aliases)?: Yes/no
Have you ever changed your name?: Yes/No
Date of birth
Place of birth
Is your Place of Birth outside of India?:   Yes/No
Region/Country of birth
Marital status

Citizenship of India by

Provide your PAN (Permanent Account Number) or Voter ID (if available) – this is optional
Employment type
Educational qualification
Is either parent (for minors) or spouse a government worker: Yes/No
Does the applicant qualify for the non-ECR (non-Emigration Check Required) category?: Yes/No. An individual who has completed the tenth grade and has higher education falls into the non-ECR category according to the Indian Embassy helpline – 800 46342. They (non-ECRs) do not need an emigration check to work in certain countries.
Is there a distinguishable mark on your body? You will have to describe it in the form if you do.
Aadhar number (if you have it) – this is optional

The next step is to accept the terms and conditions.


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7. Click on the next button after you have completed the application details.

8. Your family details will be required in the next section of the passport renewal application:

Father’s full name
Mother’s Full name
Legal guardians’ name (when applicable)
Spouse’s full name (when applicable)
Applicants for minors must enter the passport numbers of their father and mother. If they are not Indian, you must enter their nationality.

9. The next step is to enter the address details. In this section, you must enter the address printed on your passport, including:

House number
Village town or city
The nearest police station.
(The Passport Seva Portal has a service on their website called, ‘Know Your Police Station’. You can find the link here: . To find the closest police station, you must enter the state and district and enter the captcha displayed and click ‘submit’. You will then find the list of police stations in your area.)

10. Enter your mobile number and email address next

11. You will then need to enter your emergency contact information and address. Mobile and email addresses are included.

12. You will need to enter the following details from your previous passport:

Passport number
Date of issue
Expiry date
Place of issue

13. The final step in the application process is to fill out your ‘other details’ – a list of questions that you must answer yes or no to.

1. If you have any criminal records.
2. Having been convicted by an Indian court
3. Having been denied or refused a passport in the past
4. Did you apply for or receive foreign citizenship?
5. Have you returned to India on an emergency certificate (outpass)?

Upon completion of the application form, you must review and verify the details and click on ‘submit’.

In addition to submitting the application online, you must take a printout of the application and submit it in person to the BLS International Services Customer Center, where you must sign the application in the presence of a BLS International Services Customer Service officer.

The BLS Centre requires the following documents:

You will also need to submit the following documents along with your passport renewal application:

1. Application form duly completed

2. A copy of the original passport and Civil ID. Document copies should be self-attested. (This means The document must contain your signature as well as the date).

3. For verification, the applicant must provide an original passport, civil ID, or any other related document.

4. Depending on the submitted documents, additional documents may be needed for verification at the Consulate’s sole discretion.

5. Provide two clear passport photos. The following are the photo requirements for an Indian passport, according to the BLS:

Size: Passport size (51mm X 51mm)
View: Frontal view with both ears clearly visible
Background: Plain white background
Dress: Preferably in colour offering contrast with background for clarity at designated place. (Photograph services are available at the BLS center).

Charges for passport renewal: 

The following are the passport renewal fees according to BLS:

New Passport for 10 Years: 23 KWD
New Passport for 10 Years (Tatkal): 69 KWD
New Passport for 10 Years Jumbo (60 Pages): 31 KWD
New Passport for 10 Years Jumbo (Tatkal): 76 KWD
New Passport for Minor below 18 years: 16 KWD
New Passport 5 Years (Tatkal): 61 KWD


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For more information about passport renewal charges in Kuwait please visit the link.

BLS centers in Kuwait: (Location and contact details)

BLS Indian Passport And Visa Application Center – Sharq New 24/7 365 Days Open

BLS Indian Passport And Visa Application Center – Jleeb Al Shuyoukh New

BLS Indian Passport And Visa Application Center – Fahaheel New

What is the processing time for passport renewal?

Depending on the case, the passport renewal process can take up to 30 days according to the BLS.

The ‘Tatkal’ service can be used in case you need it urgently: 

A ‘Tatkal’ service allows you to fast-track your passport renewal if you are traveling to India for a medical emergency or if a family member dies. You can renew your passport using the ‘Tatkal’ service within two working days. It is necessary, however, to schedule an appointment with BLS. It costs more to renew a passport through the ‘Tatkal’ service.

This concludes our guide on how to renew your Indian passport in Kuwait. Visit us for more articles on life in Kuwait for Indian ex-pats. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please let us know.

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