Kuwait Government Urges People To Avoid Gathering, iiQ8 

Kuwait City, 15th June, 2021:
Kuwait Government Urges People To Avoid Gathering, iiQ8 
– Ministry Of Health – Kuwait highlighted the noticeable rise in COVID-19 cases over the last period & those who are receiving treatment at hospitals, referring to people who did not abide by health & preventive measures mainly pertaining to social distancing in public places.
– Warned that there are some who do not stick to these measures over the past period, stressing that society’s responsibility depends on raising awareness towards the virus’ risks.
– Urged Citizens & Expats to avoid gatherings for their safety & to abide by instructions issued by MOH, Kuwait including the gatherings for the safety of all to control the spread of the virus.

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June 15, 2021 8:46 AM

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