New Jobs in Kuwait iiQ8 | Legal Collection Supervisor, Fleet Manager, Sales, Office Jobs


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New Jobs in Kuwait iiQ8


Dear All,  New Jobs in Kuwait iiQ8

Legal Collection Supervisor

Location: KW

Company: Alghanim Industries



  • Ensures effective collection follow-up on Legal portfolio and timely collection of  receivables
  • Improve collection in Legal to reduce bad debts provision
  • Handle customer service-related queries and complaints


  1. Achieve Legal Collection KPIs set by the management. Ensure collections are maximized for Kuwaiti, non-kuwaiti segment and different collection aged buckets


  1. Ensure to identify and timely flagging of Skipper customer


  1. Supervision of day-today collection follow-up activities of team pertaining to Legal portfolio, the  key responsibilities are:
    • Allocate Legal outstanding customer to collection agents for daily follow-up
    • Publish collection performance report by agent and age bucket
    • Publish daily call volume report by agent to ensure adequate follow-up happens
    • Evaluate agents follow-up call to ensure follow-up happens as per calling script


  1. Send SMS to overdue customers as per the policy


  1. Manage customer calls(inbound/outbound), handles queries or complaints


  1. Monitor agents Calling script, volume, field visit and ensure to capture necessary documentation


  1. Provide support to the agents on collection issues, provide feedback to sales operation/management with respect to underwriting issues if any


  1. Maintain good relationship with Police department to help in Car Seizure/Jail Order activities


  1. Co-ordinate with AI Legal court team for CPO, renewal of legal actions on customers


  1. Review follow-up feedback received from agents and take necessary action


  1. Provide required training/support to the team and ensure that team is working optimally


  1. Conduct regular team meetings to discuss on issues, suggestion and provide solution


  1. Publish report on collection performance to the management as applicable


  1. Review various reports and identify the issues and provide timely solution


New Jobs in Kuwait iiQ8


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New Jobs in Kuwait iiQ8

Spread iiQ8

January 19, 2024 3:04 PM

9574 days, 20 hours

Listing ID 46465aa642411a6d 282 total views, 0 today