SAP BASIS Roles and Responsibilities-1

 sap basis roles & responsibilities 1

SAP  and OS Administration Operations
Starting / Stopping SAP instance
Print management
SAP Security operations
Monitoring the SAP system for health and performance issues
System Landscape Configurations and Operations
Batch jobs creation,controlling and all management operations
User Administrations and Authorizations
All backup operations for SAP system


Request and Transport Management Systems
SAP Kernel Upgrades
Implementing SAP OSS Notes
Applying SAP Add-Ons and Support Packages
OS Space and Disk management
OS level Backup & Recovery Operations
OS level Security and Patch Monitoring and Management
Database Administration
Database Management
Database Patch and Version Management
Database Performance and Health Monitoring
Database Backup & Restore Operations
Database Tablespace and Index Operations
SAP Remote Basis Administration Task List

Daily Tasks
1. Check SAP system UP & Running
2. Check all backup operation results
3. Check OS/DB/SAP system logs
4. Check CCMS alerts
5. Check all workprocess status
6. Check background jobs status
7. Check the lock table and failed updates
8. Check user operations such as failed logon and locked users
9. Check SAPDBA calendar status
10. Check Dump status
11. Check response time , CPU and memory usage
12. Check SAP performance and usage issues
13. Check database performance
14. Check database free space
15. Check archive directory status

Weekly Tasks
1. Clean up Spool
2. Clean up transport buffers
3. Run TemSe consistency check
4. Check Spool requests
5. Review security audit log
6. Check database consistency
7. Monitor total DB growth and free space
8. Monitor tablespace growth
9. Analyze Early Watch reports

Monthly Tasks
1. Defregmant the memory
2. Monitor the growth of the database.
3. Check directory structure
4. Clean old logs

Yearly Tasks
1. User security controls
3. Contol profiles and authorizations
2. Check SAP profile parameters
3. Check the standard scheduled jobs
4. Backup & Restore test
5. Archive the old transport files
6. Maintain database parameter files
7. Check licensing issues for OS/DB/SAP/HW
8. Check and manage clients in QA/test/development systems
9. Check user IDs SAP* and DDIC
10. Check locked transactions
11. Archive end-of-year backup


SAP Client Copy – Local, Remote & Import / export


What is SAP Landscape?


What is SAP R3 Architecture ?


SAP Architecture


SAP System Administration Transactions – 1

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