Kuwait Closing of Jaber Bridge Vaccination Center, COVID-19

Kuwait City, 18th August 2022:

Kuwait Closing of Jaber Bridge Vaccination Center, COVID-19


#Kuwait Ministry Of Health announced the closing of Sheikh Jaber Bridge Vaccination Center starting 18th August 2022, Thursday, following the improvement witnessed regarding #Covid19 situation in the country.

MOH Kuwait will continue to provide vaccination through the health centers distributed in the 6 Governorates.

وزارة الصحة – الكويت
في ضوء تواصل واستمرار تحسن مؤشرات الوضع الوبائي في البلاد بفضل الله، سيتم إغلاق مركز جسر جابر لتطعيم #كوفيد_19 اعتباراً من يوم غد الخميس الموافق 18 أغسطس 2022، مع الاستمرار بتقديم خدمة التطعيم عبر 16 مركزاً صحيّاً في مختلف المحافظات.

In light of the continuous improvement of indicators of the epidemiological situation in the country, thanks to God, the Jaber Bridge Vaccination Center #كوفيد_19 will be closed as of tomorrow, Thursday, August 18, 2022, while continuing to provide the vaccination service through 16 health centers in various governorates.

مراكز ومواقع تطعيم #كوفيد_19 التابعة لـ #وزارة_الصحة في مختلف محافظات البلاد.
#كوفيد_19 vaccination centers and sites affiliated to #وزارة_الصحة in the various governorates of the country.

Image Kuwait Closing of Jaber Bridge Vaccination Center, COVID-19


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Kuwait Closing of Jaber Bridge Vaccination Center, COVID-19

Kuwait Closing of Jaber Bridge Vaccination Center, COVID-19

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