Hiring ERP Support Engineer in reputed company Kuwait, iiQ8 jobs, iik classifieds


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Hiring ERP Support Engineer in reputed company Kuwait – iiQ8 jobs iik classifieds


Hiring ERP Support Engineer in Kuwait – iiQ8 jobs iik classifieds



Place: Al-Rai, Kuwait.

Reputed organization in Kuwait looking for ERP Support Engineer urgently.


Anyone with ERP knowledge and SQL Database administration preferred.

Candidates ready to join within one month can be applied.

Salary range 400-500 KD. Please send CV to :


New Job Recruitments, Sales Coordinator, Team Leader, Warehouse Supervisor

Kuwait Job Vacancy, HR Jobs, Admin, Procurement Jobs in Alghanim


Started recruiting Al-Mutawa Company announces an open recruitment day
Join the Joe team

Friday, May 26, 2023

9:00 – 2:00 pm

Ali Abdul Wahhab Al Mutawa Company Head Office Building Al Soor Street, East Kuwait

Correspondence email:

Note: all types of accommodations are accepted

Hiring ERP Support Engineer in Kuwait – iiQ8 jobs iik classifieds

HR, Secretary, Marketing Jobs in Kuwait, iiQ8 classifieds, Q8 Vacancies

Sr. Sales Consultant required in Alghanim, iiQ8 Jobs, Kuwait Vacancy Enaya Insurance

Hiring for Major EPC Company Based in kuwait for KNPC Refineries Projects.

Personal Interviews will be in Mumbai, Chennai & Cochin tentiviely in June / July 2023

Position : NDT Inspector (A)
Project : KNPC Refinery, Kuwait
Number of Requirement : 3

Salary Details : 400 KD Fixed Salary + 60 Accomodation allowances +30 Food Allowances + Free Local traspotation from home to site and back + other Benefits as per Kuwait labor law.

Job Specification & Discription

English speaking experienced NDT Technician having at least:
i) Secondary School Education. Graduate/Diploma in Mechanical Engineering is preferred.
ii) ASNT (or equivalent) Level-II Certification in UT, RT, PT, and MT methods. Shall be proficient in ultrasonic shear wave examination.
iii) Experience in MFL Testing of tank floor plates of Storage Tanks and Heat Exchanger Tube inspection by Eddy Current/MFL Testing is desirable.
iv) Proficiency in preparation / reading isometric drawings is essential.
v) Preferable to have three (3) years’ experience out of which two (2) years in Refinery or Petrochemical Industry in independently carrying out NDT jobs. Prior work experience in KNPC is preferred.
vi) NDT Personnel having applicable experience more than 06 years may be considered as NDT Inspector A based on performance.

Intrested candidates can submit profile with complate set of documents on rz4knpc@gmail.com

#kuwaitjobs #hiring #knpc #ndtinspector  #eddycurrent #mfl

Alghanim Industries Jobs, IT Associate – Service Management, iiQ8 Classifieds

Difference between DCS & PLC ✋️
(Distributed control system & Programmable Logic control) 👈

1️⃣ Speed of response: PLC can response to a change within on-tenth (1/10) of asecond, but DCS is slower than PLC typically response time of DCS is 30 ms.

🔴 اول وجه مقارنة هو سرعة استجابة النظام للتغيير او لأخذ action معين، ودي فاز بيها نظام ال PLC عن ال DCS حيث أن سرعة استجابة ال PLC في عشر من الثانية عن ال DCS الي بيستغرق ٣٠ مللي ثانية.

2️⃣ I/O (input / output) capacity: PLC is capable of handling a few hundred of IOs, but DCS is capable of handling thousands of IOs.

🔴 تاني وجه مقارنة هو كمية المدخلات والمخرجات الي ممكن يستقبلها ويخرجها النظام وطبعا دي يفوز بيها نظام ال DCS نظرا لانه بيقدر يتعامل مع آلاف المدخلات في نفس الوقت ويقدر يدي كذة اكشن بردو في نفس الوقت لعدد كبير جدا من المعدات.

3️⃣ Logic development: PLC can be programmed based on our applications, but DCS comes with built-in control functions that need to be configured based on the application.

🔴 تالت وجه مقارنة هو ال Logic او ميكانيكية كل نظام يعني ال PLC على سبيل المثال دة انا اقدر ابرمجه على حسب التطبيق الي انا عايزه، انما ال DCS بيجي معاه control functions محتاجة تتكون بناء على التطبيق الي انا عايزه.

4️⃣ Redundancy: PLC can be made redundant with additional hardware which makes them more expensive than DCS, but in DCS redundancy is a default feature.

🔴 رابع وجه مقارنة هو ال redundancy بمعنى انه خليني اكون بتحكم في حاجة خطر وحصل فيها failure دة هيؤدي لمشكلة كبيرة طيب يبقى لازم استخدم ال DCS هنا لانه عنده إمكانية ال backup يعني هيحصل تدخل من controller تاني في نفس اللحظة الي حصل فيها failure في الكنترول.

5️⃣ Architecture: PLC have a simple and flexible architecture. A PLC system consists of controllers, I/O modules, HMIs (Human machine interface), and engineering software, but DCS is less flixble. It comes with controllers, I/O systems, database servers, engineering and operating servers.

🔴 خامس وجه مقارنة هو التكوين او البنية وطبعا هيكون ال DCS اكثر Complexity من ال PLC زي ما هو واضح المكونات بتاعت كل واحد فيهم 👆

6️⃣ Cost: PLC less expensive than DCS.


Urgently required IT Specialist, iiQ8 Jobs, Kuwait Vacancy Security Architect

Dear All,
We are still hiring a store keeper from inside Kuwait ( Local hiring )


– Bachelor degree
– 2 years experience ( pereferred in telecom field )
– MS office / Outlook experience
– transferable visa (18)

You can submit your CVs to : career@oraxel.com

Alghanim required Account Executive , iiQ8 Jobs, indianinQ8 classifieds

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