Pre Installation steps for SAP | iiQ8

Pre Installation steps for SAP

Pre Installation steps for SAP | iiQ8

Installation Steps


  1. Download the ABAP development tools for Eclipse package from the SAP Service Marketplace ( published on SAP site):
    1. Launch the SAP Software Download Center
    2. In the Support Packages and Patches section, open the Search for Support Packages and Patches subsection.
    3. In the Search Term input field, enter ABAP in ECLIPSE for the name of the installation package.

      In the web page that now appears, select the latest 3.x release.

    4. In the Search Results view, choose package SAP ABAP IN ECLIPSE 3 SP30 or newer
    5. Add the package to the download basket.
    6. Download the archive zip file to the local directory of your choice.
  2. Install additional Eclipse features that are required for running ABAP development tools for Eclipse:
    1. Launch the Eclipse platform or Studio (see prerequisites above) that is installed on your local drive on the SAP Service Marketplace.
    2. Choose Help  Install New Software… to start the installation wizard.
    3. In the Work with field on the SAP Service field in the wizard, specify the update site that you downloaded the Eclipse installation package from.
    4. To simplify the selection, uncheck the Group items by category field on the wizard page.
      Pre Installation steps for SAP | iiQ8

      Example for installation based Eclipse 4.19 (2021-03) / HANA Studio 2.3.60

    5. Select the following Eclipse features from the table below – depending on whether or not you are going to install ABAP development tools for Eclipse on top of Studio.

      If installing to a Studio:

      List of additional Eclipse features required for installation
      Feature Name Feature ID
      Model Comparison (EMF Compare)
      EMF Model Query org.eclipse.emf.query
      Web Services Tools org.eclipse.wst.ws_ui.feature

      Pre Installation steps for SAP | iiQ8

    6. Once you have finished making your selections, make sure that the filter box is empty and then choose Next.
    7. On the next wizard page, review the list of features to be installed and choose Next.
    8. Once you have accepted the terms of license agreement, initiate the installation of the selected features by pressing Finish.
    9. To apply the changes, restart the Eclipse workbench using the corresponding button in the information dialog that appears.
  3. Installing the ABAP development tools for Eclipse package:
    1. Launch the installation wizard again by choosing Help  Install New Software…
    2. In the Work with field in the wizard, now specify the target directory where you downloaded the package using ABAP development tools for Eclipse.
      Pre Installation steps for SAP | iiQ8

      A software site that is located in the local file directory is specified by: jar:file:/<drive:>/<directory_with_zipped_content>

    3. To simplify the selection, check the Group items by category field on the Wizard page.
    4. Select all ABAP development tools for Eclipse for items and choose Next.
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      The target directory where you extracted the zip file to in step 1 d) serves as the local software site for installation of ABAP development tools for Eclipse.

    5. On the next page, review the feature groups to be installed and choose Next again.
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      List of SAP feature groups to be installed

    6. While content is being fetched for installation, you will receive a warning that unsigned software content is being installed. Press OK to continue with the wizard.
    7. Once you have accepted the terms of the license agreement, initiate the installation of the selected SAP feature groups by pressing Finish.
    8. In the Licenses and Certificates dialog box, confirm the licenses and certificates.

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    9. To apply the changes made during the installation process, restart the Eclipse workbench.
  4. 4. Items that you want to install:
    Feature ID

    BPC Embedded Planning

    BW Cloud Connectivity

    BW Modeling Tools Integration with SAP HANA Studio

    BW Modeling Workbench

    BW Query Designer



Pre Installation steps for SAP

Post Installation steps for SAP

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