TSRTC Student Free Bus Passes, Bus Pass Price in Hyderabad

TSRTC Student Free Bus Passes, Bus Pass Price in Hyderabad

1.Student Free Bus Passes

a.Students below 12 years Bus Pass: https://online.tsrtcpass.in/counterbelowssc.do?prm=hyd

Eligible for below 12 years Students only.

1. Free travel facility is provided for One UP and DOWN trip in all days except public Holidays from Residence to School & back.

2. Cities – upto 22 KMs in City Ordinary Buses.

3. Districts – upto 20 KMs in Pallevelugu Buses.

4. Validity period – for Academic year.

5. Applicant can apply at bus pass counter.

b. Girl Students upto X Class: https://online.tsrtcpass.in/counterbelowssc.do?prm=hyd

Eligible for Girl Students upto X Class and Below 18 years only.

1. Free travel facility is provided for One UP and DOWN trip in all days except public Holidays from Residence to School & back.

2. Cities – upto 22 KMs in City Ordinary Buses.

3. Districts – upto 20 KMs in Pallevelugu Buses

4. Validity period – for Academic year

5. Applicant can apply at bus pass counter.

2.Student Concessional Route Passes in Cities / Towns: https://online.tsrtcpass.in/counterstupass.do?prm=hyd

a. Student Quarterly Route Bus Pass

1. Eligible for the Students above 12 years age.

2. This Bus Pass can be issued for the distance upto 4 KMs, 8 KMs, 12 KMs, 18 KMs & 22 KMs with concessional tariff as furnished in below table.

Sl. No. Distance in KMs Tariff (Rs.)
1 4 450.00
2 8 600.00
3 12 900.00
4 18 1150.00
5 22 1350.00

1. Validity period – for 3 months (Quarterly).

2. Applicant can apply online at www.online.tsrtcpass.in

b. Student General Bus Ticket:

For city Students only

Eligible for the Students above 12 years age.

1. This Bus Pass can be issued with concessional tariff as furnished in below table.

Sl. No. Bus Pass Type Tariff (Rs.)
Monthly Quarterly
1 SGBT-Special 450.00 1350.00
2 SGBT 400.00 1200.00

2. Travel facility valid anywhere to anywhere within City/Sub-Urban limits.

3. Validity period –1 month & 3 months for monthly and Quarterly passes respectively.

4. Applicant can apply online at www.online.tsrtcpass.in.

c. Student Greater Hyderabad Bus Pass ( Monthly/Quarterly )

Eligible for the Students above 12 years age.

1.This Bus Pass can be issued with concessional tariff as furnished in below table.

Sl. No. Duration Tariff (Rs.)
1 Monthly 400.00 + 70.00 per E.2 KMs beyond Sub-urban limits in particular District place of the route.
2 Quarterly 1200.00 + 210.00 per E.2 KMs beyond Sub-urban limits in particular District place of the route.

2.Travel facility valid anywhere to anywhere within City / Sub-Urban limits and particular District place on the Route.

3.Validity period – 1 month & 3 months for monthly and Quarterly passes respectively.

4.Applicant can apply online at www.online.tsrtcpass.in

3.Districts – High School / College Student Bus Pass: https://online.tsrtcpass.in/counterstupass.do?prm=hyd

Eligible for the Students above 12 years age.

1.This Bus Pass can be issued for the distance upto 5 KMs, 10 KMs, 15 KMs, 20 KMs, 25 KMs, 30 KMs & 35 KMs with concessional tariff as furnished in below table.

Sl. No. Distance in KMs Tariff (Rs.)
Monthly Quarterly
1 5 150.00 400.00
2 10 250.00 680.00
3 15 300.00 900.00
4 20 400.00 1150.00
5 25 450.00 1350.00
6 30 500.00 1500.00
7 35 550.00 1600.00

2.Validity period – 1 month & 3 months for monthly and Quarterly passes respectively.

3. Applicant can apply online at www.online.tsrtcpass.in

4. Exclusive trips to special schools / colleges : https://online.tsrtcpass.in/counterstupass.do?prm=hyd

Corporation operates exclusive buses to special schools / colleges, where the number of students utilizing the facility is not less than 65. This facility is available both in cities / towns and in rural areas.

TSRTC How to Apply for Bus Pass, Student Bus Passes in Telangana

Uppal, Hyderabad Local Bus Route, VBIT PARK, VST

Secunderabad – Hyderabad Local Bus Route

Hyderabad Local Bus Route Ram Nagar, Sanath Nagar Routes

Hyderabad Local Bus Route MGBS, Nampally NGO’S Colony Rajendranagar

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