Service Strategy, Business Relationship Management in ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Strategy, Business Relationship Management in ITIL, ITIL Course


Service Strategy
Business Relationship Managemen
The purpose of the businessrelationship managementprocess is two-fold:
•              To  establish  and  maintain  a  business  relationship   between  the  service provider  and  the  customer  based  on  understanding  the  customer  and  its business needs.
•              To identify  customer  needs and ensure  that the service  provider  is able to meet those needs as business needs change over time and between circumstances.
Business  relationship  management  ensures  that the service  provider  understands these changing needs. Business relationship management also assists the business in articulatingthe value of a service.
Service Strategy, Business Relationship Management in ITIL, ITIL Course
The objectives of business relationship management include:
•              Ensure high levels of customer satisfaction, indicating that the service provider is meeting the customers requirements.
•              Establish and maintain a constructive relationship betweenthe service provider and the customerbased on understanding the customer and their business drivers.
•              Identify changes to the customer environmentthat could potentially impact the type, level or utilization of services provided.
•              Establish and articulate business requirements for new services or changes to existing services.
•              Work with customers to ensure that services and service levels are able to deliver value.
•              Mediate in cases where there are conflicting requirements for servicesfrom different business units.
•   Establish formal complaints and escalation processes for the customer.

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Business relationship managementfocuses on understanding how services meet customer  requirements.  To achieve this, the processmust focus on understanding and communicating:
•   Business outcomes that the customer wants to achieve
•              Services that are currently offeredto the customer, and the way in which they are used by the customer
•              Technology trends that could impact current services and the customer,and the nature of the potential impact
•              Levels of customersatisfaction, and what action plans have been put in place to deal with the causes of dissatisfaction
•   How to optimizeservices for the future
•              How the service provider is represented to the customer.This at times means raising concerns around commitments that the business made to IT butis not meeting.
Business relationship management and servicelevel management
While  theService  level  management  (SLM)  process  exists  to ensure  thatagreed achievable  levels of service are provided  to the customer  and users, the business relationship management process is focused on a more strategic perspective.
Business  relationship  management  (BRM)takes as its mission the identification  of customer needs and ensuring that the service provider is able to meet the customers’ needs. This process focuses on the overall relationship between the service provider and their  customer,  working  to determine  which  services  the service  provider  will deliver.

Service Strategy, Business Relationship Management in ITIL, ITIL Course

ITIL, ITIL Foundation Course, ITIL V3, ITIL Course, ITIL – Course, online itil, itil certification, online material for itil course

What is the basic concept of ITIL?
ITIL defines a lifecycle for Service Management that allows us to consider the services in a global way: rationale, design, construction, testing, deployment, upgrade, and removal. The phases of the lifecycle are the following: Strategy: Promotes the vision of Service Management as a strategic asset.#ITIL


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What is ITIL certification?
ITIL is a global framework designed to help improve customer experience. Learn what is ITIL certification, benefits of certification and how to get certified. ITIL is a global framework of best practices for IT service management focused on reducing risk, improving customer relations, and supporting IT environments.


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