Service Design, Availability Management in ITIL, ITIL Course

Availability Management in ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Design
Availability Managemen
The Availability  Management  process  ensures  that IT services  consistently  deliver the required level of availability.
Availability  Management  is a process  that ensures  the availability  of systems  and services matches evolving agreedneeds of the business.  Availability  Management also ensures IT delivers the right levels of service availability.
The purpose of Availability Management is to optimize the capability of the IT infrastructure  and  to  support  the  organization  by  delivering  a  cost-effective  and sustained level of availability that enables the business to satisfy its objectives.
The objectives of Availability Management are to:
•   Produce and maintain an appropriate and updated Availability Plan.
•   Provide advice and guidance to all other areas of the business.
•   Ensure serviceavailability achievements meet or exceed agreed targets.
•              Assist   with   diagnosis   and   resolution   of  availabilityrelated   incidents   and problems.
•   Assess the impact of all changeswithin the Availability Plan.
•              Ensure  proactive  measures  are taken  to improve  the availability  of services implemented.
Availability Management in ITIL, ITIL Course
Activities performed by Availability Management involves planning availability before, during and after a service is provided.
The two key elements of Availability Management are:
•              Reactive    activities:    Involves    the    monitoring,    measuring    analysis    and management of all events, incidents and problem-solving unavailability.
•              Proactive activities: Involve the proactive planning, design and improvement of availability.
The two inter-connectedlevels to complete Availability Management are:
•              Service availability: Involves all aspects and impacts of service availability and unavailability.
•              Component  availability:  Involves  all  aspects  of  component  availability  and unavailability.
Component Availability is aiming at the proper functioning of a single component (e.g. system or hardware)where Service Availability is aiming at the properfunctioning of a service end-to-end including all the needed components.
The following are important concepts of Availability Management:
•              Availability:  The  ability  of a service,  component  or CI to perform  its agreed function when required.
•              Reliability: A measureof how long a service, component or CI can perform its agreed function withoutinterruption.
•              Maintainability: A measure of how quickly and effectively a service, component or CI can be restored to normal working after a failure.
•              Resilience (Redundancy): The ability of a component or serviceto keep running where one or more components failed.
•              Serviceability:  Theability  of a third party  supplier  to meet  the terms  of their contract.
•              Security:    information     Security    Management     determines     the    security requirements of a service, while Availability Management implements the measures.
•              Vital Business  Function  (VBF): VBF reflects the business  critical elements  of the business process supported by an IT service.

Availability Management in ITIL, ITIL Course

Vital Business  Function
The  term  vital  business  function  (VBF)  iused  to  reflect  the  part  of a  business process that is critical to the success of the business.
An IT service may support a number of business functions that are less critical.
For example,  an automated  teller machine  (ATM)or cash dispenser  service,  VBF would be the dispensing of cash. However, the abilityto obtain a statement from an ATM  may  not  be  considered  as  vital.  This  distinction  is  important  and  should influence availability design and associated costs.
The more vital the business function generally, the greater the level of resilience and availability that needs to be incorporated into the design required in the supporting IT services.
For  all  services,  whether  VBFs  or  not,  the  availability  requirements  should  be determined by the businessand not by IT.
Certain VBFs may need special designs, which are now being used as a matter of coursewithin service design plans, incorporating:
High availability: A characteristic of the IT service that minimizes or masks the effects of IT component failure to the users of a service.
Fault tolerance: The ability of an IT service, component or CI to continue to operate correctly after failure of a component part.
Continuous operation:An approach or design to eliminate planned downtime of an IT service.Note that individual  components  or CIs may be down even though the IT service remainsavailable.
Continuous  availability:  An  approach  or  design  to  achieve  100%  availability.  A
continuously available IT service has no planned or unplanned downtime

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The responsibilities of an Availability Managerinclude:
•              Ensure  all  existing  services  deliver  the  levels  of  availability  that  has  been agreed.
•              Ensure  all  new  services  are  designed  to  deliver  the  levels  of  availability required.
•              Assist with investigation and diagnosis of all incidentsand problems caused by unavailability of services or components.
•   Participate in the IT infrastructure design.
•   Monitor and report actual IT availability achieved against SLA targets.
•   Proactively improve service availability.
•   Create, maintain and regularly review AMIS.
•              Ensure  techniques  and  methods  associated  to  the  Availability  Management process are regularly reviewed and audited.
•   Ensure the levels of IT availability required are cost-justified.
•   Assess management of risk.
•   Assess changes for impact.
•   Attend CAB meetings.
Availability Management in ITIL, ITIL Course

What is the basic concept of ITIL?
ITIL defines a lifecycle for Service Management that allows us to consider the services in a global way: rationale, design, construction, testing, deployment, upgrade, and removal. The phases of the lifecycle are the following: Strategy: Promotes the vision of Service Management as a strategic asset.#ITIL Availability Management in ITIL, ITIL Course


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What is ITIL certification?
ITIL is a global framework designed to help improve customer experience. Learn what is ITIL certification, benefits of certification and how to get certified. ITIL is a global framework of best practices for IT service management focused on reducing risk, improving customer relations, and supporting IT environments.


Availability Management in ITIL, ITIL Course
ITIL, ITIL Foundation Course, ITIL V3, ITIL Course, ITIL – Course, online itil, itil certification, online material for itil course
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