IIIT Education at the RGUKT, India

IIIT Education at the RGUKT, India 

Education at the RGUKT

Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies-AP. Catering to the Educational Needs of Gifted Rural Youth of Andhra Pradesh.

Features of Six – Years Integrated Course:
The program offered by the RGUKT consists of a six year integrated course after 10th class examination leading to a B.Tech. degree. The first part of the six-year course is a two-year Pre University Course (equivalent to (AP) Intermediate) followed by a second part of four-year Engineering Course. At present the pre-university part of education offers premature specialization in tracks such as Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Life sciences (equivalent to MPC + BiPC). By bringing students in to the University at an earlier stage we hope to impart a broad based education including humanities and liberal arts to students.

The Pre University Part:
This is equivalent to the two year Intermediate (AP) education. The program provides a qualitative plus two education in itself and further lays a stronger foundation for the technical and professional courses ahead. It has an inbuilt system for remedial education for the students who are relatively weak. In addition, there is a foundation course in IT, preparing students to make full use of the Information Technology and Communication resources provided by the RGUKT in its novel model of teaching learning. There is a permitted exit after Pre-University if the student chooses to go for a career in other professional programs. The program also provides short-term courses in humanities and social sciences so that the students emerge as confident, energetic, enthusiastic youngsters seeking challenges in their university education and life.

Curriculum Regulations

Degree Programs at IIITs:
Upon completion of 6 years of education, each year consisting of 3 semesters, and the prescribed requirements, the graduates will be awarded a B.Tech. degree in any one of the following engineering disciplines given below

Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Science and Engineering
Electronics & Communications Engineering
Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering

Further, depending on the performance and by earning additional credits, it is possible to get a B.Tech. with two Majors, i.e., one in Computer Science and the other from among Chemical, Civil, Electronics and Communication, Materials Science and Mechanical. Alternatively it is possible to get a degree with one Major and two Minors or one Major and one Minor. One of the two Minors may be from Business Management, Economics Mathematics, Social Sciences and Statistics.

Curriculum Regulations

Employment Prospects:
It is expected that the employment prospects of graduates of RGUKT (IIITs) will be comparable to the other world class universities in India. It is also anticipated that the broad-based education including soft skills will provide a strong foundation for national competitive examinations. Appropriate placement guidance and awareness programs will be conducted to prepare the students for private and public sector opportunities. Students also learn entrepreneurship and other skills that can help them to set out on their own.

Tuition Fees:
As a government sponsored university, the tuition fees at Rajiv Gandhi University are highly subsidized by the AP government. The annual fee (for AP students) for the first two years (Pre University program) is Rs.36,000/-. This includes tuition, lodging and boarding.

Focus on Liberal and Professional Education Including Soft Skills:
The program at RGUKT (IIITs) is built on a new model of liberal professional education creating future leaders with a broad understanding of the world. A structured environment of broad based education including basic skills of communication, teamwork and leadership is provided. It aims at making students well equipped with life skills and confident problem solvers rather than over specialized engineers who just know the theory. It prepares the student to meet the demands of the work place and society as he or she navigates through life. It stresses lifelong learning through learning to learn, and learning to live.

The program uses the learning-by-doing paradigm of education using personalized mentors and intelligent tutoring systems. The program adapts self-paced learning with variable duration to reach the mastery level outcome. Highly qualified and meritorious faculty will be participating in teaching, learning and research. Many of them are being drawn from the world class institutions such as IITs.

There will be a focus on all-round development with emphasis on personality development and education in Humanities and Social Sciences to make students responsible world citizens. The program is intensive with emphasis on physical training, sports and soft skills. About 30% of time is devoted to soft skills.

Life in a Residential Campus:
As a fully residential program, all students will stay on the campus. The program is intensive and runs for 3 semesters of 16 weeks of 6 days a week each. Only 6 weeks of vacation is permitted: 1 week in Dasara, 1 week during Sankranthi and four weeks in summer. While the program appears intensive, it is also designed to help absorption by making students apply concepts right-then-and-there in class.

All education is mediated through the use of Information and Communication technologies. The academic complex is being connected by high speed LAN which extends to each student’s desk and a laptop is provided to each student right from his or her first year. Each class of about 50 students will have mentors who will conduct a discourse and discussion around a prerecorded expert lecture. The best part of this learning paradigm is that students will have time in these class sessions to receive the lecture, ask questions, discuss with the help of mentors and apply the concepts to problem solving. A good student would have no homework!

To keep up with this program and life in general, time is set apart for physical fitness activities. During the first two years all students would attend physical training and exercise each morning and participate in sports in the evening. The daily academic program will consist of 4 periods of just less than 2 hours duration each from 8 AM to 4PM with a lunch break. During the evening after dinner, there will be programs in soft skills, reading classics, and viewing selected movie programs from 7.30PM to 10.30PM. This will be a more relaxing and a quiet learning time. Students get to explore their talents in art, drama and music as well. Subsequent year will offer greater flexibility in individual daily schedule.

Separate and secure hostel facilities will be provided for girls and boys. Food and dining facilities will be according to modern standards.


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