How to Setup an Email Account with Outlook 2019?

How to Setup an Email Account with Outlook 2019?

274098714 277333824505219 3335704871818951411 n.png?stp=dst png s600x600& nc cat=108&ccb=1 5& nc sid=730e14& nc ohc=qcFeIlDSPcQAX OJ1lM& nc ht=scontent.fkwi2 2
Go to File > Info and click on Add Account
273977818 277333807838554 1817253164530818810 n.png? nc cat=104&ccb=1 5& nc sid=730e14& nc ohc=1NyFDodV784AX8loPV9& nc ht=scontent.fkwi2 2
Enter your full email address, such as, and click Connect
274082335 277333841171884 6497221674658921944 n.png? nc cat=103&ccb=1 5& nc sid=730e14& nc ohc=wJ2XbCnuh9UAX 65vU2& nc ht=scontent.fkwi2 2

In Advance Setup, select IMAP


274079108 277333911171877 8374099550538541325 n.png?stp=dst png s600x600& nc cat=110&ccb=1 5& nc sid=730e14& nc ohc=Ou8P yPvFqYAX ndYAa& nc ht=scontent.fkwi2 2
Enter IMAP details as provided. Make sure to change the hostname to your server hostname and make sure that your IMAP port is correct
May be an image of text
Enter your email password and click Connect.
May be an image of text that says 'Set up an Email Account with Outlook 2019 7. Finally, click on Done. Account successfully added IMAP Add another email address Email address Next Advanced options Set up Outlook Mobile on my phone, Done OUR ONLINE GURU MATE JEBSITEMART'
Finally, click on Done.
May be an image of text that says 'Set up an Email Account with Outlook 2019 You can now manage your newly-added email from the left sidebar under the Home tab of Outlook. File Home Send Receive Ignore Clean New New Email Items New Favorites Junk- Delete Delete Inbox 2 4 Inbox 2 Outbox CRSITEMART 4 Syno Issues (This computer only) Search Folders OUR ONLI GURU MATE EBSITEMART'
You can now manage your newly-added email from the left sidebar under the Home tab of Outlook
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February 18, 2022 8:30 PM

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