Dubai Bus Routes and Numbers, indianinQ8, iiQ8
Public Transport in Dubai Bus Routes and Numbers
Detailed RTA bus routes and serviced stops in Dubai. The list Includes Express Routes, Feeder Routes, Central Business District Routes, Intercity Routes and Local bus routes in Dubai.
All Bus Routes & Numbers in Dubai
Detailed information regarding bus routes, bus numbers and serviced stops in Dubai. The list Includes Express Routes, Feeder Routes, Central Business District Routes, Intercity Routes and Local bus routes in Dubai.
Dubai Bus Routes and Numbers, indianinQ8, iiQ8 Bus Route 310 to 105
Dubai Bus Routes and Numbers 81 to 99, indianinQ8, iiQ8 Bus Info
Dubai Bus Routes 31 to 67 and Numbers, indianinQ8, iiQ8 Bus Route
About Dubai Bus
The Public Transport Agency provides public bus services with a large fleet of 1,518 buses. PTA operates an extended bus network of 119 internal lines, including 35 lines linking to metro stations, 12 intercity lines to transport passengers to other emirates, 62 internal lines and 8 fast lines. The network covers 82% of the urban areas in Dubai, and transports about 369,248 passengers per day.
Dubai Bus Routes 7 to 29 and Numbers, indianinQ8, iiQ8 Bus Numbers
Dubai Bus Routes E16 to E700 and Numbers, indianinQ8, iiQ8 Bus Numbers
Dubai Bus Routes and Numbers C01 to C28, indianinQ8, iiQ8 Bus Numbers
AED 200
AED 500
Dubai Bus Routes F26 to N55, Bus Numbers, indianinQ8, iiQ8 Bus Numbers
Facilities include facilities for public transport services, 17 fully equipped stations for buses and 2185 bus stands, including 554 air-conditioned waiting areas for passengers, and most bus stops include all information regarding bus timings and schedule dates.
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Maps and information
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Convenience for the commuters has always been a prime focus of the Dubai bus service, and in that regard, below are the accessibility services that are available for the bus users:
Rules & etiquette
- Bulky luggage, hazardous/obnoxious materials and animals are not allowed inside the bus.
- Do not place your luggage in the gangway.
Our buses
number of buses 170
Number of buses 935
number of buses 339
Metro link
Dubai Bus Routes and Numbers, indianinQ8, iiQ8 Bus Numbers from F08 to F25
Dubai Bus Routes and Numbers, 13B to F07, indianinQ8, iiQ8 Info
Compliance :
AED 200
AED 100
300 per day up to 100
Dubai Bus Routes and Numbers, indianinQ8, iiQ8
Dubai Bus Routes and Numbers 81 to 99, indianinQ8, iiQ8 Bus Info