The seven-lettered word ‘Aadhaar’ has a massive impact on entire India. Without this card, we can’t move a single pace in recent years. It is a government of India-issued card that has a 12 digit unique number provided by UIDAI (Unique Identification Number of India). The 12 digit number is so essential that you can never imagine. It’s the major identity and address proof of whether we are Indian or not. Moreover, the UIDAI has started the Aadhar Enrolment Center Registration.

A person who is willing to enroll their name needs to demographic and biometric both the evidence. Demographic data means the name of the person, age, date of birth, address, family member, profession, and much more personal information. And biometric means the whiff of the thumb ring of a hand of that person for verifying. To dwell in India from a child of 5 years to a person of 60 years must have an Aadhaar card. It can be made both offline and online.

Aadhar Enrolment Center Registration

This article explains the complete details about the Aadhar Enrolment Center Registration 2021, Importance of Aadhar Card, Step by Step Guide to Apply Online for the Aadhar Enrolment Center Registration on the official portal.

Importance Of Aadhaar Card

Let us see the importance and benefits of the UIDAI Aadhar Card, as shown below.

  • There is no casual matter to create an Aadhaar card. A crowd of people regularly is running towards the store for registering. For this, there are many centers available.
  • You have to collect a new Aadhaar enrolment center opening application form to open the center. As the Aadhaar card has so many benefits.
  • First of all, in the banks, the Aadhaar card is a must. To get entry into a college or institute it is mandatory.
  • Not only is that, to get a loan, to apply for a job, to pursue higher study, to make passports, to get the sim card of your phone everywhere the Aadhaar card mandatory.
  • To step into ‘Digital India’, an Aadhaar card is necessary. For travel to purchase anything, Aadhaar is a must.
  • And for this, people are also finding their source of income by doing the Aadhaar enrolment center apply.

UIDAI Aadhaar Enrolment Centre Registration Process, Apply Online

Enrolment Agencies are employed by the Registrars for the entrance of residents throughout that demographic and biometric information are collected as per UIDAI entrance method. Entrance Agencies should guarantee continued empanelment with UIDAI so as to be engaged by Registrars. If non-impanelled agencies are engaged by Registrars, they’re additionally subject to identical terms and conditions because of the impanelled agencies.

Let’s share the step on how you will get the Aadhaar center opening form online.

UIDAI Aadhaar Enrolment Centre
  • A home page will arrive in front of you. There you see the option for ‘Book An Appointment.
  • In the category of the book an appointment, there will be many options like fresh Aadhaar card apply, changes of name, address or phone number, etc.
UIDAI Aadhaar Enrolment Centre Registration Process
  • In the below, there will be two options for registration. Click on ‘Book an appointment to register rub Addhaar Seva Kendra.
  • You will be turned to the login page. There you need to put your mobile number.

UIDAI Aadhaar Enrolment Centre Registration Process
  • A one-time password or OTP will be sent to your given mobile number. Enter the OTP and tap on the ‘proceed’ option.
  • On the next page, you will see two different options. On the left side, you’ll get ‘New enrolment’. Click on the option and tap on the ‘Active’ button.
Apply UIDAI Aadhaar Enrolment Centre
  • Next stage, your task is to enter the name, age, and gender.
  • After submitting all these, the page of address proof will be opened. Give your address details with all the necessary information. And attach your valid mobile number too.
Apply UIDAI Aadhaar Enrolment Centre
  • In the final step, review all the given details are correct or not. And tap on the ‘submit’ option.
Apply UIDAI Aadhaar Enrolment Centre
  • With all the addresses, you have to attach all the files of documents.
Apply UIDAI Aadhaar Enrolment Centre
  • At the end of your upload all the documents, click on the ‘submit button.
  • At last, your registration process will be successfully done.

How Can You Locate Your Nearest Enrollment Centre

  • First, you have to go to the official website of that portal.
  • There will be an option ‘Locate an Enrolment’.
  • In the below, there will be three options. Tap on the state.
  • Next fill-up the form, state, district, sin district and solve the captcha.
Aadhar Enrolment Center Registration
  • Your centers will be disclosed in front of you.


Aadhar Enrolment Center Registration Apply

FAQs on Aadhar Enrolment Center Registration

Where you can proceed with your UIDAI Aadhaar registration enrolment center?

It’s too simple. From the UIDAI’s official website you will get all the steps clearly. Following the above-mentioned process, you can do your registration.

Is Aadhaar Card mandatory to carry in foreign countries?

An Aadhaar card is your only way to identify who you are and from which country you belong. So that whenever you will travel to foreign countries the Aadhaar card is mandatory from station to the visited spots.

Can I link my phone number to the Aadhaar card?

Yes, the online applicants can link the Phone Number to their Aadhar Card.

Do I need to submit or upload any documents online for the UIDAI Aadhar Enrolment Registration Process?

Yes, the applicants should submit their identity proofs online for the UIDAI Aadhar Enrolment Registration.

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February 24, 2022 8:10 PM

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