Service Operation, Service Operation Processes in ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Operation, Service Operation Processes in ITIL, ITIL Course Service Operation     Service Operation Processes   Service Operation Processes Introduction The purpose of Service Operation is to enable effectiveness and efficiency in delivery and support of IT services. The processes thatsupport this goal are: •   Event Management •   Incident Management •   Problem Management •   Request Fulfillment •   Access Management Incident  Management,  Request  Fulfillment  and  Access  Management  are primarily carried out by the Service Desk, with Event Management and Problem Management as primarily “back-of-house” processes. Continual Service Improvement Measurements in ITIL – ITIL Course Service Strategy Introduction in ITIL – ITIL Course   (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});     Service Operation Processes in ITIL, ITIL Course ITIL, ITIL Foundation Course, ITIL V3, ITIL Course, ITIL - Cou…
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Service Operation, IT Operations Management in ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Operation, IT Operations Management in ITIL, ITIL Course Service Operation     IT Operations Management     IT Operations Management Introduction IT Operations Control is responsible for day-to-day tasks of Services offered. Purpose and Roles The  purpose  of  IT  Operations  Management  is  to  be  responsible  for  the  daily operational activities needed to manage the IT infrastructure  defined during Service Design. IT Operations  Management  is subdivided  intoIT Operations  Control  and Facilities Management: •   IT Operations Control ƒ    Responsible for day-to-day tasks, such as: ƒ    Maintaining stability of day-to-day processes and activities ƒ             Providing  regular  scrutiny  and  recommendations   to  achieve  improved service at reduced costs ƒ    Diagnosing and resolving IT operations failures ƒ             Responsibility  for  daily  operational  activities  required  to  manage  and maintain the IT in…
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Service Operation, Technical Management and Applications Management in ITIL, ITIL Course

Technical Management and Applications Management in ITIL, ITIL Course Service Operation   Technical Management and Applications Management     Technical  Management  & Applications Management Introduction Technical  Management  provides  detailed  technical  skillsand resources  to support the technical infrastructure. Applications   Management   ensures   integration   of   the   application   management lifecycle. Purpose and Roles of Technical Management The purpose  of Technical  Management  is to help plan, implement  and maintain  a stable technical infrastructure to support the organization’s business process. The roles of Technical Management: •              Provide detailed technical skills and resources needed to support the ongoing operation of the IT Infrastructure •   Custodian of technical knowledge and expertise •   Provide actual resources to support the IT Service Management Lifecycle 7 Steps to Improvement ITIL, in…
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Service Operation, Service Desk in ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Operation, Service Desk in ITIL, ITIL Course Service Operation   Service Desk  Introduction A Service  Deskestablished  by the IT service  provider  serves as a single point of contact between the user and all IT service operations. Service Desk is one of the four functions within Service Operation. Purpose Service Desk is not a process, it is a functional unit. It is the Single Point of Contact (SPOC) for the IT organization and handlesvarious types of calls. It handles all types of calls, which may be either reportedby a user or automatically generated by a tool. The Service  Deskuses the Configuration  Management  System  (CMS)  for logging and tracking calls. The CMS is a set of tools that supportsIT Service Management. The purpose of Service Desk is to support the agreed upon IT service provision by ensuring  the accessibility  and availability  of the IT organization  andby performing various supporting activities. Role and Objec…
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Service Operation, Service Operation Overview of Functions in ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Operation, Service Operation Overview of Functions in ITIL, ITIL Course Service Operation   Service Operation Overview of Functions     Service  Operation  Overview of Functions Introduction A function in ITIL® is a set of people/roles that perform relatedactivities. There are 4 functions in Service Operation. Function Function  refers  to  the  people  and  automated  measures  that  execute  a  defined process, an activity or a combination  of both. IT functions define the differentroles and responsibilities required for the overall service delivery and support of IT services. The functions in Service Operation are: •              Service Desk: A functional unit which is the single point of contact(SPOC) for the IT organization.  It handles all types of call, which can be either reported bya user or automatically generatedby a tool. •              Technical  Management:   Provides  detailed  technical  skills  and  resources needed to su…
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Service Operation Fulfillment, Access Management, Problem Management in ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Operation Fulfillment, Access Management, Problem Management in ITIL, ITIL Course Service Operation   Fulfillment Access Management Problem    Management   Request Fulfillment Introduction Request  Fulfillment  helps  to process  requests  using  predefined  and  standardized approvals. Goals and Objectives The  purpose  of Request  fulfilment  is the process  is managing  the lifecycle  of all service requests from the users. The objectives of the request fulfilment processare to: •              Maintain  user  and  customer  satisfaction  through  efficient  and  professional handling of all service requests •              Provide  a channel  for  users  to request  and  receive  standard  services  for which a predefined authorization and qualification process exists •              Provide informationto users and customers about the availability of services and the procedurefor obtaining them •              Source  and  de…
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Service Operation in Event Management, Incident Management Request ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Operation in Event Management, Incident Management Request ITIL, ITIL Course Service Operation   Event Management Incident Management Request   Event Management Introduction Event Management is an important processin Service Operation lifecycle because it detects, records and updates past and currentevents for future reference. Event is defined as any detectable  or discernable  occurrence  thathas significance for  the  management  of  the  IT  infrastructure  or  the  delivery  of  IT  service  and evaluation of the impact a deviation might cause to the services may be considered an event. Service Operation in Event Management, Incident Management Request ITIL, ITIL Course Purpose and Objectives The purpose of Event Management  is to enable stability in IT services delivery and supportby monitoring all events that occur throughout the IT infrastructure,  to allow for “normal” Service Operation and to detect and escalate exceptions. …
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Service Operation Definitions in ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Operation Definitions in ITIL, ITIL Course Service Operation   Definitions Introduction Service Operation  covers a prominent  part of the service lifecycle. It contains very important  key terms that are essential  to understanding  howITIL® processes  and functions work. Key Definitions There are several key definitions in Service Operations: •   Event: Detectable occurrence that arise from the IT infrastructure. •              Alert: A warning that a threshold has been exceeded or something significant has occurred in the IT infrastructure. •   Incident: An unplannedinterruption to an IT Service. •   Problem: The unknown root-cause of one or more Incidents. •              Workaround:  A  temporary  solution  to  a  problem  that  enables  the  user  to continue   using  the  service  while  Problem   Management   tries  to  find  a permanent solution. •   Service Request: A request from a User for information,  or advice, or for a…
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Service Operation Introduction in ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Operation Introduction in ITIL, ITIL Course Service Operation    Introduction Overview The Service Operation stage manages the Service providers’ performance. Purpose and Objectives Service  Operation  provides  improvement  activities  as  well  as  supports  all  other lifecycles on a day-to-day basis. The purpose of the service operation stage of the service lifecycle is to coordinate and carry out the activities and processes required to deliver and manage services at agreed levels to businessusers and customers. The objectives of Service Operationare: •   Handle day-to-day operation of Services. •              Coordinate  and carry out the activities  and process  required  to deliver and manage services. •              Responsible  forthe ongoing management  of the technology  that is used to deliver and supportservices. Scope ITIL Service  Operation  describes  the processes,  functions,  organization  and tools usedto …
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Continual Service, Improvement INDEX Content in ITIL, ITIL Course

Continual Service, Improvement INDEX Content in ITIL, ITIL Course Continual Service Improvement Objective: The Continual Service Improvement (CSI) process uses methods from quality management in order to learn from past successes and failures. The ITIL CSI lifecycle stage aims to continually improve the effectiveness and efficiency of IT processes and services, in line with the concept of continual improvement adopted in ISO 20000. Part of: IT Service Management | ITIL processes   Introduction Models and Processes (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Measurements Activities and Concepts ITIL 4 Continual Improvement The CSI processes described here  follow the specifications of ITIL v3, where continual service improvement is defined as the 5th phase in the service lifecycle. ITIL 4 no longer relates to disciplines and instead describes 34 'practices'. Many of the 26 processes specified in ITIL v3 can now b…
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Service Operation Index Content in ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Operation Index Content in ITIL, ITIL Course   Objective: The objective of ITIL Service Operation is to make sure that IT services are delivered effectively and efficiently. The Service Operation lifecycle stage includes the fulfilling of user requests, resolving service failures, fixing problems, as well as carrying out routine operational tasks. Part of: IT Service Management | ITIL processes Service Operation Introduction Definitions Event ManagementIncident ManagementRequest Fulfillment Access Management Problem Management Service Operation Overview of Functions Service Desk Technical Management and Applications Management IT Operations Management Service Operation Processes (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Service Operation Index Content in ITIL, ITIL Course ITIL, ITIL Foundation Course, ITIL V3, ITIL Course, ITIL - Course, online itil, itil certification, online material for itil cou…
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ITIL Introduction, INDEX Content in ITIL Course

ITIL Introduction, INDEX Content in ITIL Course ITIL Introduction Overview                                                                                                          Governance and Practice                                                                                  IT Service Management                                                                                      Service Lifecycle Continual Service Improvement Measurements in ITIL – ITIL Course                                                                                             (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 7 Steps to Improvement ITIL, information technology infrastructure library 1 ITIL, ITIL Foundation Course, ITIL V3, ITIL Course, ITIL - Course, online itil, itil certification, online material for itil course. The prevailing motivation for the introduction of ITIL is often a desire to be able to deal with In…
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Service Transition, INDEX Content in ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Transition, INDEX Content in ITIL, ITIL Course   Service Transition Introduction                                                                                                         Process Overview                                                                                            Transition Planning and Support                                                                     Change Management                                                                        Service Asset and Configuration Management                                     Release and Deployment Management       (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});                                                      Knowledge Management    Continual Service Improvement Measurements in ITIL – ITIL Course ITIL Processes The ITIL Service Lifecycle. - Click on a process for more details! At the top level, ITIL is organi…
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Service Transition, Knowledge Management in ITIL, ITIL Course

Knowledge Management in ITIL, ITIL Course   Service Transition   Knowledge Management Introduction Knowledge  Management  handles  a  variety  of  knowledge  in  the  forms  of  data, information and experience. Knowledge  Management  ensures  that valuable  knowledge  is stored and managed for ease of future reference. Purpose and Objectives The purpose  of Knowledge  Management  is to ensure  that the right information  is delivered  to the appropriate  place  or person  at the right  time  to enable  informed decision. The objectives of Knowledge Management are as follows: •              Improve the quality of management decision-making by ensuring that reliable and secure knowledge, information and data is available •              Enable the service providerto increase efficiency, quality and satisfaction and reduce costs by reducing the need to rediscover knowledge •              Ensure that staff have a clear and commonunderst…
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Service Transition, Release and Deployment Management in ITIL, ITIL Course

Release and Deployment Management in ITIL, ITIL Course   Service Transition   Release  and Deployment Management Introduction Release Management processcontrols productions of software and hardware within the IT infrastructure and arranges their distribution within the operational environment. “Release and Deployment Management aims to build, test and deliver the capability to  provide   the  services   specified   by  service   design   that  will  accomplish   the stakeholders’ requirements and deliver the intended objectives.” (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Purpose and Objectives The  purpose  of  the  release  and  deployment  management   process  is  to  plan, schedule and control the build, test and deploymentof releases and to deliver new functionality   required  by  the  business  while  protecting  the  integrity  of  existing services The objectives of Release and Deployment Management are to…
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Service Transition, Service Asset and Configuration Management in ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Transition, Service Asset and Configuration Management in ITIL, ITIL Course   Service Transition   Service Asset and Configuration Management Introduction SACM plays an important role in protecting the integrity of Service Assets and Configuration Items as well as provide accurate information about assets and Configuration Items that supportsthe service managementprocesses. Purpose and Objectives Service Asset and Configuration Management is a process that manages the service assets in order to support other service management processes. The  purpose  of  the  Service  Asset  and  Configuration  Management  process  is  to ensure that the assets requiredto deliver servicesare properly controlled, and that accurate and reliable information about those assets is available when and where it is needed. The objectives of SACM are to: •              Ensure  that  assets  under  the  control  of the  IT organization  are  identified, c…
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Service Transition Change Management in ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Transition Change Management in ITIL, ITIL Course   Service Transition   Change Management Introduction A Change  must be implemented  efficiently  to ensure that it provides  a permanent solution  to a problem,  with minimum  disruption  to services.  Changes  include  new services as well as current servicesthat need to be changed. Purpose The purpose of Change  Management  is to ensure that standardized  methods  and procedures are used for controlled, efficient and prompthandling of all Changes, in order to minimize the impact of change-related incidents upon service quality. Change Managementresponds to the business and IT Requests for Change that will align the services with the business needs. The Change  Management  process  aims at providing  themanaged  and controlled environment that the currentbusiness requires. Service Transition Change Management in ITIL, ITIL Course Objectives The objectives of change manageme…
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Service Transition, Transition Planning and Support in ITIL, ITIL Course

Transition Planning and Support in ITIL, ITIL Course   Service Transition   Transition Planning and Support Introduction The  purpose  of the  transition  planning  and  support  process  is to provide  overall planning for service transitions and to coordinate the resources that they require. The Objectives are: •              Plan and coordinate the resources to ensure that the requirements of service strategy   encoded   in  service   design   are   effectively   realized   in  service operation. •              Coordinate  activities  across  projects,  suppliers  and  service  teams  where required. •              Establish  new or changed  services  into supported  environments  within  the predicted cost, quality and time estimates. •              Establish  new  or  modified  management   information   systems  and  tools, technology and management  architectures,  service management  processes, and  measurement  methods  and  metric…
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Service Transition Process Overview in ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Transition Process Overview in ITIL, ITIL Course Service Transition   Process Overview                                                                                           Introduction Processes   within   Service   Transition   are   mostly   contained   within   the   Service Transition phase but there are also processes used throughout the Service lifecycle. Processes Processes carriedout in Service Transition are: •              Transition Planning and Support: Assiston handling high volumes of change and releases. •   Change  Management:  Responds  to  changing  customer  requirements  and Requests for Change. •              Service  Asset and Configuration  Management:  Manage  service  assets  and configuration items. •              Release  and Deployment  Management:  Provide  a holistic  approach  to the release of changedor new services. •              Service  Testing  and  Validation:  Testing  and  validatin…
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Service Transition Introduction in ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Transition Introduction in ITIL, ITIL Course Service Transition Introduction    Introduction Overview Service Transition receives input on the basis of service strategies and designs set by the Service  Strategy  and Service  Design  lifecycles  before  the services  can be transitioned to the Service Operation lifecycle. Service  Transition  helps  to  introduce  new  or  changed  services  smoothly  whilst controlling risks. Many critical processes are involved in this phase. Purpose and Objectives An effective Service Transition meets business needs, costs and efficiency while maintaining minimal risk and maximum optimization. The purpose of the service transition stage of the service lifecycle is to ensure that new,  modified   or  retired   services   meet  the  expectations   of  the  business   as documented in the service strategy and service design stages of the lifecycle. The objectives of ServiceTransition are: …
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Service Design, Supplier Management in ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Design, Supplier Management in ITIL, ITIL Course   Service Design   Supplier Management Introduction Supplier Management  aligns with corporate requirements  and other IT and Service Management processes. Objectives The purpose  of Supplier  Management  is to obtain value for money from suppliers and ensure suppliersperform according to the contracts and agreements. Objectives of Supplier Management are: •   Obtain value for money from supplier and contracts. •              Ensure that underpinning contracts and agreements with suppliers are aligned to business needs, support, targetsin SLRs and SLAs. •   Manage relationships with suppliers. •   Manage supplier performance. •              Provide assistance in managing,negotiating and agreeingon the contracts with suppliers. •   Maintain  a supplier  policy  and a supporting  Supplier  and Contract  Database (SCD). Supplier Management managesthe contract lifecyc…
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