Indemnity Is Calculated On Basic Salary with Allowances
Indemnity Is Calculated On Basic Salary Plus All Allowances As Per Kuwait Labor Law
Due to downsizing of our department, some of us have been issued termination letters with a 3 months’ notice period which ends in the 1st week of November 2016.
I had joined the company in September 2012 and was made to sign a contract with the following term stating “Indemnity will be one month salary based on basic salary and HRA only for each completed year of service, however in case of resignation from employment, provisions of the Kuwait Labor Law will apply”.
My current salary is KD 400 which is breakdown as follows:
Indemnity Kuwait Indemnity Calculation In Kuwait, Question and Answers
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Indemnity Calculation in Kuwait As Per Law
Basic: KD 200
HRA: KD 115
Transport allowance: KD 85
My questions are:
1. How will my indemnity be calculated and how much will…
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about Indemnity Is Calculated On Basic Salary with Allowances