Ministry of Health Kuwait LEAVE Apply
Dear All, here we will find the details about MOH Annual Leave Link, Ministry of Health Kuwait LEAVE Apply – iiQ8.
How to Apply online Leave MOH Kuwait
✅Link for Online MOH Leave
Contents – Purpose .
1. Registering the User with MOH
2. Downloading Sick Leaves
2.1 Downloading the Sick Leave from the Mobile App
2.2 Downloading the Sick Leave from the MOH Portal
3. Downloading Medical Reports
3.1 Downloading the Medical Report from the Mobile App
3.2 Downloading the Medical Report from the MOH Portal
4. Change Password
4.1 Change Password from the Mobile App
4.2 Change Password from the MOH Portal
5. Forgot Password
This document details the steps involved in viewing and printing the Sick Leaves and Medical Reports, which will only be issued and approved electronically by Hospitals and Clinics, without the need for the doctor’s signature or the administration’s stamp.
1. Registering the User with MOH
First time users approaching Hospitals or Clinics for Sick Leaves or Medical Report will be registered automatically with the MOH once the report is approved. Their account can be used to access MOH E-services in the Web Portal and the Mobile App.
A user account is created as follows:
1. Patient visits the Hospital or Clinic to request a Sick Leave or Medical Report.
2. After their request is approved, the patient receives their credentials via SMS (Civil ID as username and temporary password). You can also print the credentials at the Health Center.
3. Download the App from the App Store (iOS)/Google Play (Android).
4. User logs into the MOH App or Web Portal to view or print their report.
IMPORTANT: If you change your mobile number at any time, please confirm the new number with the nearest Health Center. The SMS sample is as follows: The printout is as follows:
2. Downloading Sick Leaves
The patient can view and download the Sick Leave in two ways:
5. From the MOH Mobile App ‘MOH KW’.
6. From the MOH Portal.
2.1 Downloading the Sick Leave from the Mobile App
1. Download the app ‘MOH KW’ from the App Store (iOS)/Google Play (Android).
2. In the Home Page, select E-Health Services.
3. Select ‘Sick Leave Report’.
4. Login using your credentials with your Civil ID as the username, and check the box to accept the ‘Terms and Conditions’. On first-time login, use the temporary password received via SMS. You’ll be
prompted to change it shortly. For instructions, check the Change Password section of this document.
After first-time login, you can login using your biometric data (fingerprint, face recognition).
5. Select ‘Hospitals’ or ‘Clinics’ depending on where you requested your Sick Leave.
Note: Sick Leaves from Hospitals and Clinics will only be issued electronically.
6. You will see your personal details at the top (Civil ID, Name, Gender and Nationality).
Below you will see the issued Sick Leaves and a summary of their details. Click on the ‘Details’ button to view the full Sick Leave details.
Note: You will only be able to view Sick Leaves that have been issued for the past year.
7. On this screen, you can view the entire Sick Leave details. Scroll down and click on the ‘Show Report’ button to view the Sick Leave Report.
8. The Sick Leave Report is displayed in .pdf format.
You can now downloaded or print the Sick Leave Report.
Note: The QR code can be scanned through the app by official bodies to verify the Sick
Leave Report.
2.2 Downloading the Sick Leave from the MOH Portal
1. Go to and click on E-Services from the menu at the top.
2. In the ‘GENERAL SERVICES’ tab, under ‘Hospital & Clinical Services’, click on ‘Sick Leaves’.
3. Login using your credentials with your Civil ID as the username, and check the box to accept the ‘Terms and Conditions’.
On first-time login, use the temporary password received via SMS. You’ll be prompted to change it shortly. For instructions, check the Change Password section of this document.
4. Select ‘Hospital’ or ‘Clinic’ depending on where you requested your Sick Leave.
Note: Sick Leaves from Hospitals and Clinics will only be issued electronically.
5. The issued Sick Leaves are shown in a grid under the specified Civil ID. The Visit Date, Doctor and name of the Health Center will appear. Click on the details icon to view all details.
6. The Sick Leave details are shown. Click on the ‘Print Details’ button to view the Sick Leave report.
Note: You will only be able to view Sick Leaves that have been issued from the past year.
7. The Sick leave Report will be displayed in .PDF format. You can now downloaded or print the Sick Leave Report.
Note: The QR code can be scanned from the app by official bodies to verify the Report.
3. Downloading Medical Reports
The patient can make the payment (if necessary), then view and download the Medical Report in two ways:
1. From the MOH Mobile App ‘MOH KW’.
2. From the MOH Portal.
3.1 Downloading the Medical Report from the Mobile App
1. Download the app ‘MOH KW’ from the App Store (iOS)/Google Play (Android).
2. User lands in the Home Page and selects E-Health Services.
3. Select ‘Medical Reports’.
Note: Medical Reports from Hospitals will only be issued electronically.
9. Login using your credentials with your Civil ID as the username, and check the box to accept the
‘Terms and Conditions’.
On first-time login, use the temporary password received via SMS. You’ll be prompted to change it
shortly. For instructions, check the Change Password section of this document. After first-time login,
you can login using your biometric data
(fingerprint, face recognition).
4. The details of the Patient are displayed here. If this is a new report and it has been approved, the status
will appear as ‘READY FOR PAYMENT’.
If the Report is still under review, the status will show as ‘IN PROGRESS’.
Click on the ‘Payment’ button to proceed with the payment.
5. You will land in the Payment Gateway. Complete the payment by entering the required details.
6. Once the payment is made successfully, you will view the receipt with the payment details.
7. You can now downloaded or printthe Report as needed.
3.2 Downloading the Medical Report from the MOH Portal
1. Go to and click on E-Services from the menu at the top.
2. In the ‘GENERAL SERVICES’ tab, under ‘Hospital & Clinical Services’, click on ‘Medical Reports’.
3. Login using your credentials with your Civil ID as the username, and check the box to accept the ‘Terms and Conditions’.
On first-time login, use the temporary password received via SMS. You’ll be prompted to change it shortly. For instructions, check the Change Password section of this document.
4. The Medical Reports will be shown in a grid under the specified Civil ID along with the Status. All the details except Email get auto-populated.
If the Status is ‘IN PROGRESS’, then the Medical Report is still under review and hasn’t been issued yet.
Note: Medical Reports from Hospitals will only be issued electronically.
5. Once the Medical Report is approved, the status changes to ‘READY FOR PAYMENT’.
MOH Annual Leave Link, Ministry of Health Kuwait LEAVE Apply
6. Enter your email address in the designated field if you wish to receive the payment receipt via email.
Click the ‘Payment’ icon to proceed with the payment.
7. You will be redirected to the Payment Gateway. Complete the payment by entering the required details.
8. Once the payment is made successfully, you will view the receipt with the payment details.
Click ‘Print’ to print the payment receipt. You will also receive a copy of the receipt by email if the email was provided in step 6.
9. After payment, the status changes to ‘PAYMENT COMPLETED’ and the show Report icon will be enabled. Click the ‘Report’ icon to display the Medical Report.
10. The Medical Report will be displayed in .PDF format. You can now downloaded or print the Report as needed.
4. Change Password
Upon first-time login, users will be prompted to change their password. You can also change your password at any time in two ways:
1. From the MOH Mobile App ‘MOH KW’.
2. From the MOH Portal.
4.1 Change Password from the Mobile App
1. Open the MOH app ‘MOH KW’ User lands in the Home Page.
To go to the login page, select any of the E-Health Services available ‘e.g. Sick Leave Report’.
2. In the login page, click on ‘Change Password’.
3. Your Civil ID will be auto-populated. Enter the old password in the ‘Password’ field, and the new password of your choice.
Click the ‘Change Password’ button to confirm. You’ll receive an SMS with the confirmation.
Note: If this is your first-time login, enter the temporary password you received via SMS in the ‘Password’ field.
Note: Password must be at least 6 characters in length.
4.2 Change Password from the MOH Portal
1. Go to and click on E-Services from the menu at the top.
2. In the ‘GENERAL SERVICES’ tab, click on any of the Hospital & Clinical Services available.
3. You will land in the login page. Click on the ‘Change Password’ link.
4. In the Change Password page, enter the old password in the ‘Password’ field, and the new password of your choice.
Click ‘Submit’ to confirm. You’ll receive an SMS with the confirmation.
Note: If this is your first-time login, enter the temporary password you received via SMS in the
‘Password’ field.
Note: Password must be at least 6 characters in length.
5. Forgot Password
In case the user forgets the password, they will need to go to the Hospital or Clinic to reset the password. The patient receives an SMS with the new login credentials, which they must change upon login.
Service Details :
Sample Page :
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MOH Annual Leave Link
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- LINK FOR ANNUAL LEAVE MOH STAFF MOH Annual Leave Link, Ministry of Health Kuwait LEAVE Apply
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MOH Annual Leave Link, Ministry of Health Kuwait LEAVE Apply MOH Annual Leave Link, Ministry of Health Kuwait LEAVE Apply MOH Annual Leave Link, Ministry of Health Kuwait LEAVE Apply MOH Annual Leave Link, Ministry of Health Kuwait LEAVE Apply