Kuwait Airport Still 2nd Worst in the World

Kuwait City, 31st May 2022:

Kuwait Airport Still 2nd Worst in the World

#Kuwait Airport Still 2nd Worst in the World

According to the German “AirHelp” website, which specializes in travel requirements

A Business Insider article was published yesterday on the worst airports in the world and Kuwait came in 2nd. The problem is the list Business Insider used is from 2019 and so the list being shared locally is outdated.

In the current ranking, #Kuwait STILL has the 2nd worst airport, but the rest of the list is slightly different:

1- Lisbon Portela Airport, Portugal

2- #Kuwait International Airport, Kuwait

3- Eindhoven Airport, Netherlands

4- Henri Coandă International Airport, Romania

5- Paris Orly Airport, France

6- Malta International Airport, Malta

7- Frankfurt International Airport, Germany

8- Dubai International Airport, United Arab Emirates

9- London City Airport, United Kingdom

10- Manchester Airport, United Kingdom

The biggest difference between the 2022 list above and the 2019 list is that Kuwait is joined by UAE on the list. Dubai’s International Airport is currently ranked the 8th worst in the world for some reason. Qatar’s airport on the other hand is still ranked as the world’s best airport.

For the latest ranking of best and worst airports, check out the full list on AirHelp.

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May 31, 2022 1:49 PM

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