Indicators & steps to remove malware from your PC, iiQ8

Indicators & steps to remove malware from your PC, iiQ8

Indicators if your PC is infected with malware and steps to remove the malware.

Indicators that tell if your PC infected with malware .

  • A noticeable slowness in your PC performance.
  • Emergence of ads in a periodic and random manner especially when browsing.
  • Presence of programs and files that you did not download before.
  • Your email account starts sending random emails consistently without your knowledge.
  • Antivirus getting disabled without you being aware.


  • Download trusted applications that prevent malware.
  • Disconnect your PC from the Internet.
  • Restart your PC on safe mode.
  • Perform a virus scan on your PC using Antivirus and removing harmful files when found.
  • Restart your PC after scanning.
  • Change all your personal passwords periodically.
  • Update your programs and operating system to the latest versions.


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