Indemnity for below 3 years of service, Kuwait indemnity less than 3 years employment

Indemnity for below 3 years of service, Kuwait indemnity less than 3 years employment

Question :

An Employee resigned from a company where he / she has worked for 1 year 11 months 27 days.

He / she was getting salary of KD 700 per month. He / She came here one year visa after completion of 1 year visa,
renewed for another 1 year; Another renewal due on March 15. I have however resigned; so how much indemnity will get for these 2 years.

Unfortunately, the employee don’t qualify for indemnity because he / she has not put in the minimum three years of service required by the labour law.

However if she / he have unused leave days, have to be compensated in monetary terms for that.


  • The worker deserves 15 days indemnity during the first five years, and increases to one month after the first five years.


  • An employee who resigns, but does not complete three years with the employer, does not deserve an indemnity.


  • But if the employee completes three to five years and resigns, the employee then deserves half of the indemnity, if he completes five to 10 years, then he deserves two-thirds of the indemnity.


  • If the worker completes 10 years of work then resigns, he deserves full indemnity which is one month salary for each year spent at work, according to Article 51 of Labor Law in the private sector, and should not exceed 18 months.

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May 6, 2020 1:08 PM

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