How to Install Bentley STAAD PRO

How to Install Bentley STAAD PRO


1.Login to the computer with Admin rights

2.If you have any previous version of STAAD. Pro, then uninstall it and manually delete the following folders.

How to Install Bentley STAAD PRO

How to Install Bentley STAAD PRO


C:Program FilesCommon FilesBentley SharedIEGIEGLCS

Installation Procedure: 

How to Install Bentley STAAD PRO

1.Run the setup file and click on ‘Install’.
2.Select the option “NextàGo to the next windowàClick the option “NextàNextàSelect “Anyone who uses this computeràConfigure default unit system as “Imperial/English Unit System”àInstall.
Click here to watch youtube video tutorial, step by step procedure
3.In the CD, run the patch folder as Administrator and select STAAD.Pro V8i SS4 ( and click on Apply.
4.Do not Launch the program.
5.Run the file “LicenseAssistant.exe” from following directory [ C:SProV8iHardlock ].
6.Select all options except first three ones and click on Accept.
7.Run STAAD.Pro.
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August 14, 2014 1:06 PM

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