Download and install Google Chrome
Get Google Chrome
Google Chrome is a free web browser. Click the links to download:
Install Chrome
Install Chrome for a fast, free web browser. You can also
re-install Chrome to fix problems with Flash, plug-ins, your search engine, pop-ups, or Chrome updates. Click below to learn how to install Chrome for each device.
To install Chrome for your user account:
- Download the installer file.
- If prompted, click Run or Save.
- If you chose Save,double-click the installer file to start the installation process. We’ll automatically import your homepage settings and browser history for you.
- Start Chrome:
- Windows 7: A Chrome window opens once everything is set up.
- Windows 8 and 8.1: A welcome dialog appears, click Next to select your default browser.
- Windows 10: A Chrome window opens once everything is set up. You can then make Chrome your default browser.
- Download the disk image.
- Open the file called “Google Chrome.dmg.”
- In the window that opens, find the Chrome icon
. Drag it to the Applications folder. If you don’t have administrative rights, you’ll be asked to authenticate. If you’re not able to authenticate, drag the icon to a location on your computer where you do have rights, such as your desktop.
- Open Chrome. We’ll automatically import your homepage settings and browser history for you.
- Open Finder.
- In the window’s sidebar, to the right of Google Chrome, click Eject
Use the same software that installs programs on your computer to install Chrome. Make sure you have administrative access first.
- Download the installer file.
- Click OK to open the package.
- Click Install Package.
- Google Chrome will add its program information to your software manager so that it can be kept up-to-date.
Chrome for Android is available on phones and tablets running Android 4.1+ (Jelly Bean). If you’re on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), Chrome version 42 and lower will work, but you won’t get any updates to Chrome.
- On the Play Store, go to Chrome for Android.
- Touch Install.
- Touch Accept & Download.
- To start browsing, go to the Home or All Apps page and touch the Chrome icon
First, check your system requirements. Chrome for iOS is available on iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch with iOS 9 or later in all languages that the Apple App Store supports.
- Go to the Chrome Apple App Store page on your device.
- Touch Free.
- Touch Install app.
- Enter your Apple ID Password and touch OK.
- Once the installation is complete, touch the Chrome icon
on your home screen to open the app.
See system requirements
Learn about what your computer needs to install and use Chrome.
To use Chrome on Windows, you’ll need:
- Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 or later
- An Intel Pentium 4 processor or later that’s SSE2 capable
To use Chrome on Mac, you’ll need:
- OS X Mavericks 10.9 or later
To use Chrome on Linux, you’ll need:
- 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04+, Debian 8+, openSUSE 13.1+, or Fedora Linux 21+
- An Intel Pentium 4 processor or later that’s SSE2 capable
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