Islamic Baby Boy Names Muslim Arabic Meanings | iiQ8 Names with Aa to Az

Islamic Baby Boy Names Muslim Arabic Meanings


Dear All, here in this page we will discuss about Islamic Baby Boy Names In Islamic culture, names hold significant meaning and are chosen with great care, reflecting the values and aspirations of the family. Islamic names are often derived from the Quran or hold historical significance. If you’re seeking a beautiful Islamic name for your baby boy, we’ve compiled a list of meaningful names to inspire you.

Islamic Baby Boy Names Muslim Arabic Meanings

Name  and Meaning

Islamic Baby Boy Names Muslim Arabic Meanings

Abdah Name Meaning in English | iiQ8 Baby Names Details and Origin


Name – Meaning 

Aabbas Lion, courageous.
Aadil Just, fair.
Aamir Prosperous, full of life.
Aamaa Hope, aspiration.
Aarif Knowledgeable, wise.
Asim Protector, defender.
Abaan Rain, blessing.
Abdul Azeem  – Servant of the Almighty, great and powerful.
Abdul-Aalee  – Servant of the Most High, exalted.
Abdul-Aaleem  – Servant of the All-Knowing, knowledgeable.
Abdul-Azeez  – Servant of the Mighty, powerful.
Abdul-Baasit  – Servant of the Expander, generous.
Abdul-Baari  – Servant of the Creator, originator.
Abdul-Fataah  – Servant of the Opener, liberator.
Abdul-Ghafaar  – Servant of the Forgiver, pardoner.
Abdul-Ghafoor  – Servant of the Merciful, forgiving.
Abdul-Haady  – Servant of the Guide, leader.
Abdul-Haafiz  – Servant of the Protector, guardian.
Abdul-Hakam  – Servant of the Judge, wise.
Abdul-Haleem  – Servant of the Forbearing, patient.
Abdul-Hameed  – Servant of the Praiseworthy, commendable.
Abdul-Haq  – Servant of the Truth, righteous.
Abdul-Haseeb  – Servant of the Reckoner, accountable.
Abdul-Jabaar  – Servant of the Mighty, powerful.
Abdul-Jaleel  – Servant of the Sublime, glorious.
Abdul-Kareem  – Servant of the Generous, noble.

Aaki Name Meaning in English | iiQ8 Baby Names and Origin and Details

Abdul-Khaaliq  – Servant of the Creator, one who brings into existence.
Abdul-Lateef  – Servant of the Gentle, kind.
Abdul-Majeed  – Servant of the Glorious, praiseworthy.
Abdul-Mateen  – Servant of the Firm, strong.
Abdul-Muhaimin  – Servant of the Protector, guardian.
Abdul-Muiz  – Servant of the Honorer, dignifier.
Abdul-Mujeeb  – Servant of the Responsive, answering.
Abdul-Muta’aal  – Servant of the Most High, exalted.
Abdul-Nasser  – Servant of the Victorious, helper.
Abdul-Qaadir  – Servant of the Powerful, capable.
Abdul-Qahaar  – Servant of the Subduer, overpowering.
Abdul-Qudoos  – Servant of the Holy, sacred.
Abdul-Raafi’  – Servant of the Exalter, elevating.
Abdul-Raheem  – Servant of the Merciful, compassionate.
Abdul-Rahmaan  – Servant of the Most Gracious, merciful.
Abdul-Raouf  – Servant of the Compassionate, kind.
Abdul-Rasheed  – Servant of the Guide to the Right Path, wise.
Abdul-Razaaq  – Servant of the Provider, sustainer.
Abdul-Saboor  – Servant of the Patient, persevering.
Abdul-Salaam  – Servant of the Peace, peaceful.
Abdul-Samad  – Servant of the Eternal, self-sufficient.
Abdul-Samee’  – Servant of the All-Hearing, attentive.
Abdul-Shakoor  – Servant of the Appreciative, grateful.
Abdul-Tawaab  – Servant of the Acceptor of Repentance,forgiving.
Abdul-Waahid  – Servant of the One, unique.
Abdul-Wadood  – Servant of the Loving, affectionate.
Abdul-Wahaab  – Servant of the Bestower, giver.
Abdullah  – Servant of Allah, God’s servant.
Abed Worshiper, devout.
Abedin Worshippers, devout ones.
Abu Bakr Father of Bakr, a companion of the ProphetMuhammad.
Abul Khayr Father of goodness, virtuous.

Aabideen Name Meaning in English | iiQ8 Baby Names Details and Origin Explain

Adeel Fair, equitable.
Adham Dark or black.
Adnan Settler, one who settles or stays.
Afan Tree branches or twigs.
Afeef Chaste, modest, pure.
Afreen Praise, blessing.
Ahmad Highly praised, commendable.
Ahsan Best, most beautiful, excellent.
Akram Most generous, noble.
Al Abbas The lion, courageous.
Alaa Excellence, glory.
Alaa Udeen Excellence of the faith, nobility of religion.
Ali Noble, exalted.
Ameen Trustworthy, faithful.
Amir Prince, commander, leader.
Amjad Glorious, magnificent.
Amr Long-lived, prosperous.
Anas Friendly, affable.
Anees Companion, friend.
Aqib Follower, successor.
Arham Merciful, compassionate.
Arif Knowledgeable, expert.
Arsh Throne, dominion.
Arsalan Lion, fearless.
Arshad Guided, righteous.
Aryan Noble, high-born.
Asad Lion, courageous.
Ashar Cheerful, fortunate.
Ashraf Most noble, honorable.
Asif Forgiving, gatherer.
Asim Protector, guardian.
Ataa Gift, favor.
Atif Compassionate, kind.
Awad Reward, compensation.
Aws Brave, courageous.
Ayaan Gift of God.
Ayan Bright, clear.
Ayan Gift of God.
Ayman Blessed, fortunate.
Ayoob Repentant, one who returns to God.
Ayyan Gift of God.
Azaan Call to prayer.
Azhar Bright, radiant.
Azzaam Resolute, determined.



Padmashri Name Meaning in English | iiQ8 Baby Names with details and Origin


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