Difference between 2.4GHz, 5GHz, and 6GHz Wireless, iiQ8 Wi-Fi Technology, What is WiFi 6E?

Difference between 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz Wireless, iiQ8 Wi-Fi Technology, What is WiFi 6E?

What is the difference between 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, and 6 GHz wireless frequencies?

The primary differences between wireless frequencies are the range (coverage) and bandwidth (speed) that the bands provide.

The 2.4 GHz band provides the most coverage but transmits data at slower speeds.

The 5 GHz band provides less coverage but transmits data at faster speeds.

The 6 GHz band, introduced with the new WiFi 6E standard, provides the least coverage but transmits data at the fastest speeds of the three frequencies.

Wireless range decreases with higher frequencies because higher frequencies cannot penetrate solid objects, such as walls and floors. However, higher frequencies allow data to be transmitted faster than lower frequencies, so higher frequencies like 5 GHz and 6 GHz allow you to upload and download files faster than 2.4 GHz.

Your WiFi connection on a particular frequency band can also be affected by interference from other devices. Many WiFi-enabled technologies and other household devices use the 2.4 GHz band, including microwaves and garage door openers. When multiple devices attempt to use the same radio space, overcrowding occurs.

The 5 GHz band tends to have less overcrowding than the 2.4 GHz band because fewer devices use it and because it has 23 channels for devices to use, while the 2.4 GHz band has only 11 channels. The number of channels that are available to you depends on the wireless regulations in your region. If you’re experiencing a lot of interference from other devices, consider using the 5 GHz band.

The 6 GHz band is newly certified and is exclusive to devices that support WiFi 6E. This means that on 6 GHz, the WiFi network doesn’t need to slow down to accommodate legacy devices. The 6 GHz band also supports almost twice as many channels as 5 GHz. Fewer devices, more spectrum, and more bandwidth means less interference and network congestion.

Because the 6 GHz wireless band was previously unlicensed, regulators in some regions are still considering its use. WiFi 6E functionality is not available in regions where regulators have not approved the 6 GHz band. For more information, see Is WiFi 6E available in my region?

What is WiFi 6E?

Discover WiFi 6E with 6GHz technology for the fastest Wifi speeds and capacity. Learn more about WiFi 6E.

WiFi 6E builds on the existing WiFi 6 (802.11ax) standard. Wi-Fi 6E offers all of the cutting-edge features of Wi-Fi 6 and allows access to a new 6GHz wireless band. This combination of Wi-Fi 6 technology and access to a brand new, empty WiFi band exclusive to Wi-Fi 6E devices makes Wi-Fi 6E one of the most important developments in wireless technology.

More high-bandwidth channels
Wi-Fi 6E expands on the spectrum and bandwidth improvements of Wi-Fi 6 with the addition of a 6GHz band. This wireless band is much wider than the 2.4GHz and 5GHz bands and can support up to 14 80MHz channels or 7 160MHz channels. This means more capacity for high-bandwidth activities like 4k and 8k gaming, virtual reality applications, and video conferencing.

Less interference and network congestion
The 6GHz wireless band is newly certified and is exclusive to devices that support Wi-Fi 6E. This means that on 6GHz, the WiFi network doesn’t need to slow down to accommodate legacy devices. Fewer devices, more spectrum, and more bandwidth means less interference and network congestion. Wi-Fi 6E devices can support the most bandwidth-heavy, low-latency applications without competing for bandwidth.

Improved security
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) 3 is mandatory for all Wi-Fi 6 Certified devices operating in 6GHz. WPA3 is the latest Wi-Fi Alliance security certification. WPA3 provides the latest in security and authentication protocols. As a result, 6GHz WiFi traffic is more secure than ever and 6GHz networks are more difficult to hack.

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