Service Transition, INDEX Content in ITIL, ITIL Course

Service Transition, INDEX Content in ITIL, ITIL Course


Service Transition

Process Overview                                                                                         
Transition Planning and Support                                                                  
Change Management                                                                     
Service Asset and Configuration Management                                  
Release and Deployment Management      

Knowledge Management   

ITIL Processes

ITIL Wiki: Service Design ITIL Wiki: Service Operation ITIL Wiki: Service Transition ITIL Wiki: CSI ITIL Wiki: Service Strategy ITIL Wiki: ITIL Processes

ITIL: The ITIL Service Lifecycle and the ITIL processes

The ITIL Service Lifecycle. – Click on a process for more details!

At the top level, ITIL is organized around the “ITIL Service Lifecycle” (see fig. 1), and each of the five service lifecycle stages consists of several processes. The idea is that service providers check, on a regular basis, if their services are delivered according to expectations, and take corrective action if necessary.

The ITIL Service Lifecycle and the ITIL processes are modelled upon the time-tested “Plan-Do-Check-Act” or “PDCA” cycle that was made popular by Edwards Deming (see article in Wikipedia: PDCA).

This ITIL Wiki provides descriptions of all ITIL service lifecycle stages, including detailed information about the ITIL processes and sub-processes, complete with their inputs and outputs, corresponding ITIL roles, as well as process metrics (KPIs):

  • Service Strategy
  • Service Design
  • Service Transition
  • Service Operation
  • Continual Service Improvement
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What is ITIL ? INDEX Content in ITIL, ITIL Course
ITIL is a framework of best practices for delivering IT services. ITIL’s systematic approach to ITSM can help businesses manage risk, strengthen customer relations, and build an IT environment geared for growth, scale, and change.

INDEX Content in ITIL, ITIL Course


INDEX Content in ITIL, ITIL Course

What is the meaning of ITIL in IT?

ITIL, or Information Technology Infrastructure Library, is a well-known set of IT best practices designed to assist businesses in aligning their IT services with customer and business needs. Services include IT-related assets, accessibility, and resources that deliver value and benefits to customers.

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