Kuwait Amnesty begins today, Plan to send back residency violators, Q8 sends back expats

Kuwait Amnesty begins today, Plan to send back 200,000 residency violators, Q8 sends back expats

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Residency violators in Kuwait have been granted a 30-day period starting today to leave without paying fines or airfare, with the possibility of returning to the country later. Violators have been instructed to come directly to the designated processing venues in Farwaniya on specific dates depending on their nationality.

Illegal Filipino residents are the first on the list of expats to be given a chance to leave. Violators will be received from 8 am till 2 pm according to the following dates and nationalities:

Philippines (April 1-5, 2020),

Egypt (April 6-10),

India (April 11-15),

Bangladesh (April 16-20),

Sri Lanka (April 21-25),

other nationalities (April 26- 30, 2020)

Males should proceed to Al-Muthanna Primary School for Boys (Block 1, Street 122)


Females to Farwaniya Primary School for Girls (Block 1, Street 76) in Farwaniya.

Authorities are expecting around 200,000 residency violators across the country to take advantage of this amnesty scheme. 11 centers are setup to accommodate the people who wish to take advantage of this amnesty.

Applicants must bring their documents such as civil id and passport along with their luggage. Those who have no valid passports can get the Emergency certificate from the same venue. Embassy officials will be available at the same venue and applicant no need to visit the embassy for this purpose. Once the applications are approved, amnesty grantees will not be allowed to leave the processing centers.

They will be sent to the interior ministry’s designated accommodation until their flight back to their country is ready.


Kuwait Amnesty begins today, Plan to send back 200,000 residency violators, Q8 sends back expats


Spread iiQ8

April 1, 2020 10:01 AM

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