Type of Work Process in SAP? iiQ8

Type of Work Process in SAP

Type of Work Process in SAP?
Work processes :- 
There are seven ( 7 ) different types of work process on which SAP Instance depends to run as described below.
 Dialog Work process(D) :
Used by front-end users or front-end process every dispatcher requires at least two dialog work processes
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 Background Work process (B) : 
Used for long running Jobs . At least two for each R/3 system (more than one allowed for each dispatcher)
 Enqueue Work process (E) : 
Used for Locking /Unlocking purposes
only one enqueue work process is needed for each system
 Update work process (V1) : 
Used for critical updates into Database
at least one for each R/3 System (more than one allowed for each dispatcher)
 Update workprocess (V2): 
Used for normal updates after critical updates
 Gateway work process (G) : 
Allows communication between R/3, R/2 and external
application systems.
 Spool work process (S) : 
Used for Printing from SAP at least one process


 Message Service (M): 
Used for messaging purpose. The message server (MS or M) communicates between the distributed dispatchers within the R/3 System and is therefore the prerequisite for scalability using several parallel-processing Application servers.

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Type of Work Process in SAP

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October 12, 2016 9:12 PM

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