Kuwait Bus Route Number 59X From Hassawi To Shuwaikh

Kuwait Bus Route Number 59X From Hassawi To Shuwaikh Kuwait Bus Route Number :  59X Which Bus will go From Shuwaikh To Hassawi in Kuwait? Via :  Description : This bus route will start from Hassawi to Shuwaikh and come back to Hassawi. Citybus New Express Route: 59X

الخط الجديد والسريع: 59X الحساوي إلى الشويخ (الحساوي - الري - كندا دراي، الشويخ - سيتي سنتر الشويخ) أول باص: 4:30 صباحًا؛ آخر باص: 10:30 مساءً

List of Bus stops / stations in this route: ( From )


Shuwaikh (City Center),


Canada Dry Street,

Al Rai,


(To) . Taxi from Kuwait Airport to City, CAR RENTAL COMPANIES, TAXI COMPANIES We would like to inform you that we h…
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