Eat Less & Walk with Bare Foot , iiQ8, Health & Yoga, Sadhguru Voice

Eat Less & Walk with Bare Foot , iiQ8, Health & Yoga, Sadhguru Voice   Is walking barefoot good for weight loss? Burns Body Fat: Walking Barefoot helps you burn some body fat. This is all dependent on the level of intensity of your walk and other factors. For instance, a brisk walk is not high enough to deplete a large amount of glycogen (the stored form of carbohydrate in muscle). Does walking barefoot burn more calories? Walking barefoot on the beach brings all kinds of benefits: Because more muscles are used when walking in sand, you burn more calories—up to 50% more than walking on a stable surface like concrete. Sand is a natural exfoliant. Our feet take a beating, whether in shoes or not. How long should you walk barefoot a day? How long should you walk barefoot a day? There is no prescribed duration for barefoot walking, but you should begin slow and practice walking for 10-15 minutes each day for the first few weeks to ease yourself into …
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