Kuwait Bus to Kuwait airport service for only passengers

Kuwait Bus to Kuwait airport service for only passengers


Dear All,

Please find the pickup & the drop off points for the Ride & Fly service that went live from today.

Reporting – Three Hours prior to Departure.

WhatsApp%2BImage%2B2018 05 27%2Bat%2B10.29.55%2BAM

Steps :- 

1. Check in your baggage inside the bus.

2. Collect the boarding pass inside the bus.

3. Take a seat while the bus drops you directly to our Terminal T5.

4. Proceed directly to the immigration

Cost -2KD per each way ( Passenger only ).

WhatsApp%2BImage%2B2018 05 27%2Bat%2B10.29.56%2BAM

For All Kuwait Bus Route Services CLICK HERE 

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December 7, 2018 8:43 PM

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