Multiple Jobs in Kuwait Company, iik Jobs


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Multiple Jobs in Kuwait Company, iik Jobs

Wanted immediately (in Kuwait only):

– a storekeeper.
– Assistant store keeper
Drivers (public leave)-
– Cargo loading workers
– Salesperson
– Sales promoter
– Data entry

For a food company. Requirements:

– Establishment of 18 valid and transferable material
– Use of the computer (where it requires)
(Appropriate experience)

Send all requests to e-mail

Vacancy for Cashier

·      Receive Cash/Cheques from customers.
·      Serve customers in accordance to company policy and guidelines.
·      Prepare and furnish receipts for the payments received.
·      Make payment of cash/cheques on proper documented approval.
·      Furnish appropriate report on a daily basis.
·      Withdraw or Deposit cash and cheques in banks as and when required.
·      Ensure that petty cash float amount under cashier responsibility is accounted by balance cash and petty cash voucher pending.
·      Ensure on daily basis collection of cash is submitted to the security collecting company.
·      Ensure that reimbursement is submitted once 25% of the float is expensed.
·      Ensure customers/suppliers are informed by Telephone, email or any other suitable communication to collect cheques. Any cheques not collected within 1 month, to be brought to the notice of Finance Manager.
Separate petty cash and cash collection and never to pay from cash collection without specific case-by-case approval by the Finance Manager.

Bachelor’s degree with 2 years of experience or Diploma in Finance/Accounts/Audit with 4 years of experience.
Previous Experience
2-4 years of experience, preferably in an audit firm

Send Cv’s to

مطلوب حالا (في الكويت فقط):

– أمين مخزن
– مساعد أمين مخزن
– سائقين (اجازه عامه)
– عمال تحميل بضائع
– مندوب مبيعات
– مروج مبيعات
– مدخل بيانات
لشركة أغذيه .. المتطلبات:- اقامه ماده ١٨ صالحه و قابله للتحويل
– استخدام الحاسب الالي (حيث يتطلب)
(خبره مناسبه)ترسل جميع الطلبات الى ايميل


Multiple Jobs, Movenpick Hotel Kuwait, Food & Beverages Vacancies

a well reputed company in Kuwait looking for the following below position :
senior accountant
candidates with contracting background is preferable
salary :700 KWD
Cvs can be send on WhatsApp 96921880

Vacancies in a Luxury Wellness Resort in Kuwait

Oil Gas & Energy Jobs in Dubai, Oil company vacancy

Oil and Gas Jobs in Doha, Qatar Company Vacancies

Multiple Jobs in Kuwait, HR, Admin, Supervisor

Multiple Jobs in Kuwait, HR, Admin, Supervisor


#jobs2022_mohamedzain #Kuwait

We are currently looking for the following positions:

– DEMI CHEF DE PARTIE (Indian Cuisine)
– CDP (Ala Carte)
– RESERVATIONS AGENT (Bilingual – English and Arabic)

Interested candidates may send in their updated cv at

Vacancies in a Luxury Wellness Resort in Kuwait

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July 3, 2022 8:52 AM

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