Graphic Designer, jobvacancy in Q8, iiQ8, iik, classifieds
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Graphic Designer, jobvacancy in Q8, iiQ8, iik, classifieds
A relevant diploma in related field. Proficiency in graphic design software including Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and other visual design tools.
Proficiency in front-end development web programming languages such as HTML and CSS, JQuery, and JavaScript.
Good understanding of content management systems.
Good understanding of search engine optimization principles.
Proficient understanding of cross-browser compatibility issues.
Excellent visual design skills.
Up-to-date experience with international web protocols, standards, and technologies.
Creative and open to new ideas.
Adaptable and willing to learn new techniques.
Excellent communication skills.
Cv + portfolio to:
Graphic Designer, jobvacancy in Q8, iiQ8, iik, classifieds
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