Burgan Bank Online Appointment, iiQ8, Bank Time in Kuwait Ramadan

Kuwait City, 20th April, 2021:

Burgan Bank Online Appointment, iiQ8, Bank Time in Kuwait Ramadan


Now you can save time and book an appointment with Burgan Bank branches from the convenience of your smart device

Book Appointment

  • Click on the link “Book Appointment” located on the main page of Burgan.com, BurganOnline portal or mobile banking application.
  • Select Branch: From the branches list, choose the branch you would like to visit.
  • Select Service: Select the service.
  • Select Date and Time: Select the date then select the time from the appointment slots available.
  • Contact Details: Enter your name and mobile, tick the Terms and Conditions and click “Create Appointment”.
  • Appointment Details: Your appointment details will be displayed on the screen with a QR code. Take a screenshot or printout and present it to upon your arrival at the Branch.


Where can I find “Book Appointment” service?

Burgan Bank’s official website, online portal and mobile banking application

When can I book the appointment?

Appointments can be booked an hour in advance for the same day and up to seven days in advance. The appointments start from 9:30 am till 12:30 pm.

I forgot the time/ date of my appointment?

You can search for the details by using the option “Find Appointment” on the main page.

What if I wanted to reschedule the appointment?

Search for the details by using the option “Find Appointment” then select “I want to reschedule my appointment”.

Can I cancel the appointment?

Yes, you can cancel the appointment. Just search for the details by using the option “Find Appointment” then select “I want to cancel my appointment”.


Book appointment

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April 20, 2021 8:33 AM

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