House Keeping Activities in SAP – iiQ8

House Keeping Activities in SAP

Summary – House Keeping Activities in SAP – iiQ8

To summarize, housekeeping SAP systems (cleanup of aged SAP temporary data) is an important task that often doesn’t get the attention it deserves. It is important to clean up the data automatically, which not only reduces the overall effort, but also improves system performance and lowers storage costs. This is important whether you are on HANA or migrating to a Suite on HANA, S/4HANA, BW on HANA or BW4/HANA.

Basically  I have divided the activities into 4 parts namely General monitoring, System health monitoring, Performance related monitoring and Occasional activities along with some pure basis activities in the fourth part.


Part 2 can be found here –>

Part 3 can be found here –>

Part 4 can be found here –>


Applies to:

SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse (formerly BI). This will also work on SAP BI 3.5 and BI 7.0.


Author: Prabhith Prabhakaran

Company: Capgemini India Private Limited


Author Bio:


Prabhith is a Senior SAP BW-BOBJ Consultant with more than six years of experience and is currently working with Capgemini Consulting, India.

His area of expertise includes BW, BODS, BOBJ and HANA.


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A) General Daily Monitoring Activities:

1) Space Overview
Transaction Code –> DB02
• Make sure that there’s enough database space free for the system. How much needs to be free depends on the system. If there is no enough free space, it’s a good idea to start looking into different housekeeping activities. Also we need to think about adding more disc space to the application.

• Disc space need estimations and should be planned at least 3 months ahead. These plans have to contain amounts in bytes, changes in percentage and need distribution in table spaces.


2) Data Base overview :

Transaction Code –> DB02


3) Table space Overview :

Transaction Code –> DB02



4) Free Space Monitoring :

Transaction Code –> DB02OLD



5) Batch jobs in BW System:

Transaction Code –> SM37

Check in SM37, all batch jobs which have status ‘Cancelled’. Try to solve the issue. In certain cases, re-running of the batch jobs would be handy.



6) Data loads: Info packages, DTP’s and process chains:
Transaction Codes –> RSMO, RSMON, RSPC, RSPCM
SAP delivered ABAP program: /SSA/BWT
• Make sure that all the infopackages finished successfully with Tx.RSMO
• Make sure all process chains have finished successfully, rerun them if necessary.
• Verify if transaction data loads with 0 records are valid
• Analyse PSA error requests that occur. Determine if the error records are valid.


7) Report ability of data loads in the info providers:                                                                                                                  Transaction Codes –> RSA1 (Maintenance of info cubes / DSO objects)
• Check if the data in all the info cubes are reportable. In certain cases, data would have been loaded, but aggregates are not rolled up yet.
• Check also if data in all the active DSO objects is activated and booked into all data its data targets.


8) Missing indexes in the database:

Transaction Code –> DB02OLD


In the above screen shot, 67 indexes and 106 tables are missing.


  • Make sure there are no database indexes missing other than the ones that are droppedto speed up data loads into the info cube. Perform this task multiple times a day. If info cube indexes stay missing, create them via the maintenance screen of info cubes, Performance



9) ABAP Dumps:

Transaction Code –> ST22

• Try to solve recurring ABAP dumps. Apply SAP notes if necessary


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10) System Logs:
Transaction Code –> SM21


Try to solve recurring problems in the system logs. Apply SAP notes if necessary.

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11) Monitor if database back up’s have been made:

Transaction Code –> DB14

Make sure there are periodic backups been made of the complete system.



B) General Weekly Monitoring Activities:


1) BW Statistics:

Transaction Code –> RSA1, Tools – BW Statistics for info providers.

BW statistics provides you with the following options that allow you to evaluate data from both the OLAP processor and warehouse management.

You are able to:

• Get an overview of how InfoCubes, InfoObjects, InfoSources, source systems, queries, and aggregates are used.

• To determine the system performance and improve it.

• To improve the way in which aggregates are selected and used, and to reduce the cost of updating them.


C) General Monthly Monitoring Activities:


1) Aggregates: Status/Usage:
Transaction Code  –> RSA1, RSMON
Aggregates should boost query performance on an Infocube, but may affect the load performance while filling them. An aggregate should not be created lightly; there should always be a good reason for its existence. If the query runtime is mainly spent on the database, suitable aggregates should be created. The ratios between the rows selected and rows transferred indicates potential performance improvements  with aggregates.


There are many reasons, why an aggregate might be unnecessary.

• There can be very similar aggregates that might be combined into one new aggregate.

• There can be aggregates which have never been used.

• There can be aggregates with an insufficient reduction factor compared to the Info cube.

An aggregate contain redundant data and are especially created for performance reasons, unnecessary aggregates need disk space and have to be regularly maintained via roll up. Check regularly the usage of your aggregates. It can be case that the merging of similar aggregates is possible. Some aggregates may not be used at all, or some aggregates should be similar to the size of the Info cube and lead to no performance improvements.


The Early watch report can also be checked for aggregates.


Related Content:

1) How to optimize Reporting Performance


2) Guide to perform efficient system copy for SAP BW Systems

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3) Periodic Jobs and Tasks in BW


4) House Keeping activities for Archiving in BW systems


5) House Keeping Task List


6) BW House Keeping and BW PCA


House Keeping Activities in SAP

House Keeping Activities in SAP House Keeping Activities in SAP House Keeping Activities in SAP House Keeping Activities in SAP House Keeping Activities in SAP House Keeping Activities in SAP
House Keeping Activities in SAP House Keeping Activities in SAP House Keeping Activities in SAP House Keeping Activities in SAP House Keeping Activities in SAP House Keeping Activities in SAP
House Keeping Activities in SAP House Keeping Activities in SAP House Keeping Activities in SAP House Keeping Activities in SAP House Keeping Activities in SAP House Keeping Activities in SAP
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September 23, 2016 7:21 PM

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