What is SAP Architecture ? iiQ8

What is SAP Architecture

What is SAP Architecture ?
SAP is three tier architecture. 
(i)   Presentation Layer
(ii)  Application Layer 
(iii) Database Layer 
SAP Architecture :-
Application Layer
SD, MM, PP, FI/CO, HR, PS, PM etc. applications are configured here.
BASIS Layer/Middle Layer
User Authorization, System Monitoring, Application Tuning, Backup/Recovery, Trouble Shooting etc.
OS Layer
OS, CPU, Memory, Database, Hardware etc.
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When any user tries to access the application like SD, MM, PP, FI/CO , they first touch the application layer which contains the required data and configuration.
In order to access the Application, the user has to be authorized, which is done at Middle layer.
Similarly if there is an issue for server like at OS, at Database or at Hardware level, then Middle layer people have to identify and direct it to the corresponding responsible person to look at the issue.

Because these Middle layer people sit in the middle and look to both sides and trouble shoot the problem at Application level and OS level as per the issue, these people are called BASIS Admin.

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What is SAP Architecture

Spread iiQ8

October 12, 2016 9:05 PM

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