People say that vaccines are linked to long-term health problems ?

People say that vaccines are linked to long-term health problems such as multiple sclerosis, diabetes, and autism. Is that true? All vaccines have possible side effects. Most, however, are mild and temporary. Adverse effects from vaccines are monitored thoroughly via multiple reporting systems, and there is no evidence from these systems to support these claims.   The vaccine information sheet for my child’s recent vaccination listed lots of potential side effects. Why is vaccination recommended if it can cause all of these side effects? Every vaccine has potential side effects. Typically they are very mild: soreness at the injection site (for a vaccine delivered via a shot), headaches, and low-grade fevers are examples of common vaccine side effects. Serious side effects are possible, however, including severe allergic reactions. However, the occurrence of these side effects is extremely rare. (Your doctor can explain the risks for individual vaccines in detai…
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Do we do enough safety testing with vaccines?

Do we do enough safety testing with vaccines? Vaccines are tested repeatedly before being approved, and continue to be monitored for adverse reactions after their release. See our article on vaccine testing and safety for more information and details about this topic.   Do vaccines have aborted fetal tissue? No. The rubella vaccine virus that is included in the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) shot is cultured using human cell lines. The vaccine material is carefully separated from the cells in which is was grown before being used. Some of these cell lines were generated from fetal tissue that was obtained in the 1960s from legal abortions. No new fetal tissue is required to generate rubella vaccine. What is herd immunity? Is it real? Does it work? How do vaccines work? Do they work against viruses and bacteria? COVID Action by Sadhguru | Empower yourself in this challenge time, iiQ8 Sadhguru Voice about COVID-19 & Vaccine, ii…
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Is the Polio vaccine linked to HIV?

Is the Polio vaccine linked to HIV? In the 1990s, certain critics began to blame the testing of a live, weakened polio vaccine in Africa in the 1950s for the spread of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Those behind the accusation argued that chimpanzee cells were used to create the vaccine, and that those cells had been contaminated with a virus that sometimes affects chimps: simian immunodeficiency virus, or SIV. When the vaccine was given to children in Africa, they argued, SIV mutated to become human immunodeficiency virus, or HIV, which causes AIDS. The accusations, however, were demonstrably false for a variety of reasons. Most notably, the weakened polio vaccine was not made with chimpanzee cells, but with monkey cells. The vaccine was later tested using a technique that can detect viral DNA (the PCR technique, or polymerase chain reaction); it did not contain SIV or HIV. Researchers at the University of Birmingham in Alabama demonstrated in 2006 that w…
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Is the Polio vaccine linked with Cancer?

Is the Polio vaccine linked with Cancer? The polio vaccines developed by Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin in the mid-20th century were made with monkey cells. Years later, microbiologist Maurice Hilleman found a monkey virus in both vaccines—the 40th monkey virus to be discovered, which he called Simian Virus 40 (SV40). (Salk’s killed vaccine, which had been treated with formaldehyde, had very small amounts of the virus; Sabin’s live vaccine was heavily contaminated.) Worried about the potential effects the virus could have on humans, Hilleman injected it into hamsters, finding that nearly all of them developed massive cancerous tumors. But the initial panic this caused gave way in the face of future studies. First, hamsters that ingested SV40 instead of being injected with it didn’t get cancer. Sabin’s live vaccine (which contained more SV40 than Salk’s) was given orally. Additional studies showed that children who were given Sabin’s vaccine did not develop antibodies to SV40…
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Why are there so many vaccines?

Why are there so many vaccines? Currently, the U.S. childhood vaccination schedule for children between birth and six years of age recommends immunizations for 14 different diseases. Some parents worry that this number seems high, particularly since some of the diseases being vaccinated against are now extremely rare in the United States. Each disease for which vaccinations are recommended, however, can causes serious illness or death in unvaccinated populations, and might quickly begin to appear again if vaccination rates dropped. The United States has seen mumps outbreaks in recent years since vaccination rates have dropped, with severe complications and hospitalizations required for some patients. And before the introduction of the Hib (Haemophilus Influenzae Type b) vaccine, Hib meningitis affected more than 12,000 American children annually, killing 600 and leaving many others with seizures, deafness, and developmental disabilities. After introduction of the vaccine,…
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Is natural immunity better than vaccine-acquired immunity?

Is natural immunity better than vaccine-acquired immunity? In some cases, natural immunity is longer-lasting than the immunity gained from vaccination. The risks of natural infection, however, outweigh the risks of immunization for every recommended vaccine. For example, wild measles infection causes encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) for one in 1,000 infected individuals. Overall, measles infection kills two of every 1,000 infected individuals. In contrast, the combination MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine results in a severe allergic reaction only once in every million vaccinated individuals, while preventing measles infection. The benefits of vaccine-acquired immunity extraordinarily outweigh the serious risks of natural infection. (For more on this topic, see our Understanding Risks activity.) Additionally, the Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) and tetanus vaccines actually provide more effective immunity than natural infection.   COVID A…
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Why do some vaccines require boosters?

Why do some vaccines require boosters? It’s not completely understood why the length of acquired immunity varies with different vaccines. Some offer lifelong immunity with only one dose, while others require boosters in order to maintain immunity. Recent research has suggested that the persistence of immunity against a particular disease may depend on the speed with which that disease typically progresses through the body. If a disease progresses very rapidly, the immune system’s memory response (that is, the “watchdog antibodies” generated after a previous infection or vaccination) may not be able to respond quickly enough to prevent infection—unless they’ve been “reminded” about the disease fairly recently and are already watching for it. Boosters serve as a “reminder” to your immune system. Research is continuing on the persistence of immunity generated by vaccines.   COVID Action by Sadhguru | Empower yourself in this challenge time, iiQ8 Sadhgur…
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Why do we vaccinate against a mild disease like chickenpox?

My child was invited to a chickenpox party. Would it be better for my child to get the chickenpox this way? Why do we vaccinate against a mild disease like chickenpox? The idea of “pox parties” is generally tied to the perception of chickenpox as a harmless illness. Before the varicella vaccine became available, however, chickenpox infections required 10,000 hospitalizations and caused more than 100 deaths each year in the United States. Exposing a child to wild chickenpox puts him at risk for a severe case of the disease. Even uncomplicated cases of chickenpox cause children to miss a week or more of school, with a caregiver missing work to care for the sick child.[1] Natural infection also means a risk of infecting others: while successful vaccination protects a child against chickenpox without this risk, children who are infected with chickenpox naturally are contagious. They can spread the disease to other people—not just other children, but also adults, who have a hi…
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why do some vaccines have live pathogens but others have killed pathogens?

Can you get a disease from the vaccine that’s supposed to prevent it? And why do some vaccines have live pathogens but others have killed pathogens? Vaccines that are made with killed versions of pathogens—or with only a part of the pathogen—are not able to cause illness. When a person receives these vaccines, it is impossible for him or her to become ill with the disease. Live, attenuated (or weakened) vaccines are theoretically capable of causing illness: because they can still replicate (though not well), mutation is possible, which can result in a virulent form of the pathogen. However, they are designed with this in mind, and attenuated to minimize this possibility. Reversion to virulent form is a problem with some forms of the oral polio vaccine (OPV), which is why only the inactivated form (IPV) is now used in the United States. It is important to note that attenuated vaccines can cause serious problems for individuals with weakened immune systems, such as cance…
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What is herd immunity? Is it real? Does it work?

What is herd immunity? Is it real? Does it work? Herd immunity, also known as community immunity, refers to the protection offered to everyone in a community by high vaccination rates. With enough people immunized against a given disease, it’s difficult for the disease to gain a foothold in the community. This offers some protection to those who are unable to receive vaccinations—including newborns and individuals with chronic illnesses—by reducing the likelihood of an outbreak that could expose them to the disease.
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How do vaccines work? Do they work against viruses and bacteria?

How do vaccines work? Do they work against viruses and bacteria? Vaccines work to prime your immune system against future “attacks” by a particular disease. There are vaccines against both viral and bacterial pathogens, or disease-causing agents. When a pathogen enters your body, your immune system generates antibodies to try to fight it off. Depending on the strength of your immune response and how effectively the antibodies fight off the pathogen, you may or may not get sick. If you do fall ill, however, some of the antibodies that are created will remain in your body playing watchdog after you’re no longer sick. If you’re exposed to the same pathogen in the future, the antibodies will ”recognize” it and fight it off. Vaccines work because of this function of the immune system. They’re made from a killed, weakened, or partial version of a pathogen. When you get a vaccine, whatever version of the pathogen it contains isn’t strong or plentiful enough to make you sic…
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New COVID Vaccination Center ready, iiQ8, Kuwait Vaccine Center

Kuwait City, 27th May 2021: New COVID Vaccination Center ready, iiQ8, Kuwait Vaccine Center Ministry of Health Kuwait will start new Vaccination Center at Shaikh Jaber bridge by next Sunday 30th May 2021.   As per Local Daily News Paper Al - Rai report - The drive in vaccination center at Sheikh Jaber bridge will be operational from next Sunday. The center at the Sheikh Jaber bridge is one of the largest vaccination centers in Kuwait with an approximate are a of 30,000 square meters, and a capacity to receive 4,000 to 5,000 people per day. The center includes 20 booths, each of which can accommodate 8 cars at a time, allowing 80 people to be vaccinated within a period not exceeding 3 to 4 minutes. According to Al-Rai report, the center will conduct a trial run before opening it to public next Sunday.   What is BLACK FUNGUS ? , iiQ8, How is black fungus transmitted? 26th May 2021, Kuwait Corona Update, iiQ8, COVID-19 India’…
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COVID Action by Sadhguru | Empower yourself in this challenge time, iiQ8

Empower Yourself in Challenging Times Isha COVID Action - India Sadhguru will address the COVID surge in India, and what we can do to protect ourselves and support each other. Watch Sadhguru Live on 29 April, 6:30 PM IST #Sadhguru​​ Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times. #SadhguruVoice​ #Sadhguru​​ Isha Covid Action. Join Sadhguru Live on 29th April 6:30 PM IST

COVID Action by Sadhguru, Empower yourself in this challenge time, iiQ8 Sadhguru Voice about COVID-19 & Vaccine, iiQ8 Eat Less & Walk with Bare Foot , iiQ8, Health & Yoga, Sadhguru Voice Shaving Head Vs Raise Your Energies, iiQ8, Sadhguru Voice, Wisdom Heated Debate Sadhguru – Manju Warrier – Shashi Kumar, iiQ8 5 Simple Way…
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What is Meanness of the mind | Knife Vs Mind / Intellect | Sadhguru Voice

Knife Vs Mind / Intellect, iiQ8, Sadhguru Voice :  

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); What is Meanness of the mind , Knife Vs Mind / Intellect, iiQ8, Sadhguru Voice When you become free from the meanness of the mind, an indiscriminate sense of love and inclusion arises - Sadhguru. Meanness of the mind | Knife Vs Mind / Intellect | Sadhguru Voice Our Profiles of SadhguruVoice (Subscribe) : #Sadhguru​​ Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times. 🌐​ ⚑ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR CHANNEL ⚑ If you want to learn & do great things your environment must be great & supportive. Create by subscribing to our channel: 🌐​ COVID…
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Is it possible to become less available to gravity and levitate? Sadhguru iiQ8

Is It Possible To Levitate? Sadhguru Answers Is it possible to become less available to gravity and levitate? Sadhguru gives us his perspective. #Sadhguru​ Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.

How to Stop Overthinking? , Sadhguru Answers, iiQ8 How Buddha Spent His Last Day {Sadhguru Exclusive}, iiQ8 FAQ on Inner Engineering, iiQ8, Sadhguru ​What is the Purpose of Meditation? , iiQ8, Sadhguru Voice What is Inner Engineering? – Transform your life , iiQ8, Sadhguru
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How to Stop Overthinking? , Sadhguru Answers, iiQ8

How to Stop Overthinking? | Sadhguru Answers| iiQ8 #Sadhguru​ #Overthinking​ Sadhguru tells us why we struggle to put brakes on our thought process and shows us a way to gain control of it.    Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.

How Buddha Spent His Last Day {Sadhguru Exclusive}, iiQ8 FAQ on Inner Engineering, iiQ8, Sadhguru What is Inner Engineering? – Transform your life , iiQ8, Sadhguru ​What is the Purpose of Meditation? , iiQ8, Sadhguru Voice How to Deal with Insecurities?, iiQ8, Sadhguru
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How Buddha Spent His Last Day {Sadhguru Exclusive}, iiQ8

How Buddha Spent His Last Day, {Sadhguru Exclusive}, iiQ8 Answering a question about the fear of death, Sadhguru narrates a beautiful incident that took place on Buddha’s last day, which shows how, if one lives well, death too can be handled gracefully.

#Sadhguru​ #Buddha​ Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times. FAQ on Inner Engineering, iiQ8, Sadhguru What is Inner Engineering? – Transform your life , iiQ8, Sadhguru ​What is the Purpose of Meditation? , iiQ8, Sadhguru Voice How to Deal with Insecurities?, iiQ8, Sadhguru How To Never Get Angry or Bothered By People, iiQ8, Sadhguru
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FAQ on Inner Engineering, iiQ8, Sadhguru

Frequently Asked Questions - Inner Engineering : How are the Inner Engineering Online sessions structured? Inner Engineering Online is a sequence of 7 sessions with Sadhguru, each consisting of 90 minutes of streamed video. Every session includes a guided meditation and concludes with an awareness exercise that empowers you to apply the tools of the course in your day-to-day life. Since the program is a step-by-step process, sessions cannot be skipped and each one needs to be watched in its entirety.   Can I rewind and re-watch the program as often as I want? In order to offer you the experience of a live session, the options to rewind, fast-forward or watch a session again are not available. However there is a 10-second rewind if you miss something and need to hear it again. Once you complete a session, you will be systematically directed to the next one. Therefore, it is essential that you dedicate the needed time for each session without interruption.…
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What is Inner Engineering? – Transform your life , iiQ8, Sadhguru

What is Inner Engineering? Inner Engineering is a technology for wellbeing derived from the science of Yoga. The online course comprises of seven powerful 90-minute sessions designed by Sadhguru. The modules provide powerful tools with the potential of transforming the way you perceive and experience your life, your work, and the world that you live in. The objective of the course is to render you to explore your highest potential through powerful processes of self transformation, distilled essence of classical yoga, meditations to address key aspects of life and access to secrets of ancient wisdom. Inner Engineering offers a unique opportunity for self-exploration and transformation, leading to a life of fulfillment and joy. Register for Inner Engineering Online Course Highlights Practical Too…
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​What is the Purpose of Meditation? , iiQ8, Sadhguru Voice

​What is the Purpose of Meditation? Sadhguru looks at how the purpose of meditation is not just to make one ecstatic​, it is to create a "space" between you and what is your body and mind. Once this happens, this is the end of suffering.  Sadhguru looks at how the purpose of meditation is not just to make one ecstatic, it is to create a "space" between you and what is your body and mind. Once this happens, this is the end of suffering.   Full Transcript: Questioner: Sadhguru I read in one of your question answer sessions that you were referring that even meditation is not the thing, like I mean, maybe it's a confusion to me right… Buddha didn’t meditate much though his followers did for, I mean it's just a state of ecstasy which people get into. Is it that… of course I meditate and get the feeling of bliss and ecstasy and it remains throughout the day. Is that enough for a spiritual journey?…
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How to Deal with Insecurities?, iiQ8, Sadhguru

How to Deal with Insecurities?, iiQ8, Sadhguru Feeling insecure? Sadhguru puts things in perspective. #Sadhguru​ Yogi, mystic and visionary, Sadhguru is a spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times.

How To Never Get Angry or Bothered By People, iiQ8, Sadhguru How to Lose Weight During the Lockdown? – Sadhguru, iiQ8 Simple Ways to Enhance Immunity and Oxygen Levels, Sadhguru, iiQ8 Are you Unhappy? Are you miserable? iiQ8 Yoga, SadhguruVoice How Much Water Should I Drink Every Day? , iiQ8 Yoga, SadhguruVoice  
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